Help please!

December 7th, 2011
I feel like something is wrong with this picture, but can't figure out what!!!! What should I do? All advice welcome.
December 7th, 2011
It is your white balance mostly. The second thing wrong is not enough light. This is a harder problem to fix on a point and shoot. Some point and shoots do have settings to adjust this. I would suggest reading your manual. I can tell you a little but am not familiar with your camera. You will need a white balance for incandescent lighting ( this lighting puts off a yellowish tone, and all though our eyes see white as white in any light, the camera needs to be told what is white.) if you have an auto setting for incandescent use that. For a manual white balance (which I'm not sure if your camera has) can be achieved by using a white to light grey paper, in your manual white balance setting you fill the frame with your paper and set camera's metering mode to spot.Then release shutter with paper filling frame.This should achieve the proper white balance in any light.
As far as not enough light open your shutter for longer or up your ISO.High ISO and long shutter speeds may cause noise though. I hope some of this helps.
December 7th, 2011
If you could light the tinsel a little from the front, either with flash or some other light source, it would help it stand out more :)
December 7th, 2011
@shuterfly Thanks that helps a lot!
December 7th, 2011
@natalar Your very welcome. I had this same problem when I first started,it baffled me as to why my photos where yellowish,blueish and even sometimes kindda red. but it took forever for me to get help with it. I didn't belong to any photoshare sites at the time and was finally taught about this from a local photographer willing to help. So I'm glad to pass it along.
December 12th, 2011
my 2 cents worth is lighting. The human eye / brain makes a few assumptions (based on how we see things) and that is :
- the object where you want your focus should be in focus
- the object where you want your focus on should be exposed correctly

For me, its a struggle to see where your attention is on here... I want to look at the tinsel but its so dark that when I try to focus on it, my eyes slip up to the lit centre of the image which is totally out of focus. As i'm looking at this bright centre, the in focus tinsel grabs my attention again and leads it to the bottom right corner to the main part of the tinsel .... its a vicious circle :)
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