Not my Bottle.

December 7th, 2011
I have really been thinking about and ace account. Specifically for shots like this. I photograph more than my bottle (well not so much lately), but without another album I can't share with the 365 community my other works. So til I get an ace account I figured you all might enjoy this here. Maybe I can even inspire someone today.

December 7th, 2011
you should definitely get ACE.
December 7th, 2011
Ace is about the cost of starbucks for one week
December 7th, 2011
@sdpace I agree. I actually didn't think we could link Flickr photos here. Not that I've seen that in the rules or anything, I just never see folks doing it. Sorta defeats the purpose of paying for ACE. :)
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing Not really because with the Ace account I could post these type of photos with my other photos instead of having to start a discussion thread for them. As far as sharing from one photo site to another they all make it really easy at this point. We even have the HTML share links here. once you grab that link you can share it just about anywhere.
December 7th, 2011
@shuterfly I know that you can. My point was whether or not you should. :) I'm not the boss of anything around here, though, so carry on. Just my $.02.
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing I have seen a few other photos from Flickr in other discussion threads that have asked for specific photos, which some people don't have on here. I in particular only have my project which is a same subject. There just aren't many calls for images of bottles though. So when it comes time for me to share this is a viable option for me. But an ace account is on my birthday list. (birthday in January)
December 7th, 2011
Definitely get ACE. It's worth it for the space, and it helps support the site. =)
December 7th, 2011
This photo is great! In your case,where you have chosen a specific theme for your project, I think the ace account is a great idea because it'll allow you to photograph and post other things and not get stuck in a rut. I got an Ace account in October, and honestly I wish I knew what to do with it.
December 7th, 2011
totally worth it to go ace!
December 7th, 2011
@mej2011 You could start your own weekly themed projects in one of the extra albums. Like a whole week of _______ then another week of _________. Themes and same subject shoots lasting a week or more exercise your creativity and skill. I'd like to see more themed or same subject shoots here. I feel very alone sometimes. I had found one other person on here shooting the same subject but they stopped shooting in September :(
December 7th, 2011
@sdpace @brumbe @beautifulthing @lolanae Hey hey hey! Leave the poor woman alone...not everyone needs an ACE account to be equally highbrow with the rest of yins.
December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette There's not enough Ace to hold all the awesome some folks can dish out.


December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette i'm just sayin...if you have more than one bit of awesome a day (like me, for instance...and apparently like our new friend @shuterfly) ACE is cheap and awesomeness.
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing @sdpace If you have any Awesomeness going spare can I have it? Actually Shelly's is prob germ infested so she can keep hers. What was this thread about?
December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Thanks Jason. I am really considering one though, just for the simple fact I would like to be able to share more than my bottle here. I just have such a squeaky tight budget, even $20 dollars takes 2months worth of planning and budgeting to come up with. I guess that's what I get for choosing to be a starving artist. LOL
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing Well that's why I have a photography website, Flickr, Picasa, Facebook page, Google+ now, and a photography blog. The internet can barely contain just how freakin' awesome I am. Oh...and Vimeo soon, too.

@sdpace This site can barely contain my awesomeness with a single photo a day...I think you're face would melt if I got an ACE and posted three a day.
December 7th, 2011
@shuterfly Haha...nothing wrong with that. $20 isn't much, but it does go a long way on this site. Plus, you get better stats so you can more thoroughly stalk people.
December 7th, 2011
@jasehoad Couldn't agree more. It started as I wanted to share this photo. It turned into a battle of the ACES. LOL
December 7th, 2011
Weeks of blank and blank, I can do that. lol.
December 7th, 2011
Stop whining and get an ace account. :)
December 7th, 2011
@jasehoad Judging by your pic today, you have PLENTY of awesome already. More awesome and you might burst. And my awesome has immunity and is NOT germ-infected. Brat. :)

@jasonbarnette Maybe you should get Al Gore to invent you your very own Interwebs?
December 7th, 2011
@mej2011 Nooooooo! Was that a whine?
December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette please don't melt my face. ...and i look at all your awesomeness everywhere. i am actually excited to see your first timelapse on Vimeo.....(all said at the risk of jason-head-inflation).
December 7th, 2011
Yes, yes it was.
December 7th, 2011
@jasehoad the thread is about to ace or not to ace. and then it became how awesome we all are, and who is going to melt who's face....which is ace with an F, so it's still relevant. @jasonbarnette
December 7th, 2011
@sdpace All my awesomeness everywhere? Oh wow haha. This time-lapse is sucking the life out of me right now! Been working on it for 10 weeks, trying to put it up in less than two, but I feel like I need another ten haha.
December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette i bet it will be awesome. i love landscape timelapse....there are some big shoes in this world to fill....but you've got the balls to go for it, and it'll be amazing.
December 7th, 2011
@sdpace I'm so awesome I didn't even know he had a Vimeo. I really can't be bothered to subscribe to the comings and goings of mere mortals.

@jasonbarnette Why didn't I know you had a Vimeo? Why aren't you emailing it to me right NAO?
December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette (meanwhile, i'll stick to shooting buddy christ and railroad tracks)
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing Cause I email you other stuffs muahahahaha I have a Vimeo but I have not uploaded anything yet. My first time-lapse is coming out Saturday, December 17. Then I will be *hopefully* be shooting a time-lapse video once per month and uploading various clip shots.

@sdpace Hehe...Buddy Jesus? I think I remember that was a HUGE uproar back in January when I joined the site. Hey...I'm a Christian, but I can still have a good laugh!
December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette I like the other stuffs better than a Vimeo. Unless you can combine the other stuffs WITH the Vimeo? ;) No. Scratch that. Reverse it.

December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette yes, i began my reign of heathenism back in january....he's in my albums from time to time, including today which you seemed to have missed. C'Mon...Jesus and Tony Romo ----winning!
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing stop it! my abs still hurt from laughing at that again last night!!! xD
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing Hahaha...they have sites for that sorta things. I'm sure you'll finds it just fine on your own. As for the other stuffs...I'll let you pick: emails or Vimeo? :P
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing we're going to have to make up a new law ala Godwin's Law about Buddy Christ. Just Sayin'. Maybe I'll just call it Winsett's Law.
December 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Oh, they've done been founded. Remind me to send you the links sometime.

@sdpace Glick's Law! From Dogma! OMG.
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing OMG perfect. duh.
December 7th, 2011
@sdpace Inorite??
December 7th, 2011
@beautifulthing Sure...send 'em to me. I probably already know them all bahaha

Dogma. THAT just made my day. @sdpace
December 7th, 2011

^^^^^ That deserves it own thread, can the theme monkees make WW(T)JD? a weekly theme sometime?
December 8th, 2011
@jasehoad hahaha if i could ever win a challenge i would see if ross would let me make that the theme :)
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