January 5th, 2012
I entered an Off-Road Photo Contest just to see how I would do but I entered a little late. so and the way the contest is judged is by Facebook Likes. sooo I am playing catch up. I only have two more days of "Judging"

Could you guys PLEASE help me out by adding some likes to my photo! You would definitely help me start my 2012 With a BANG! :-D


so just log on to FB and then click the like above and then click LIKE. Its so Simple!

Thanks so Much!

Pleaseee If everyone just clicked on the Link and clicked LIKE on the photo I would be so close to the leader! :-P you know you wanna help out a fellow 365er in his first contest he knows he could actually maybe win
January 5th, 2012
@cvanheel done :)
January 5th, 2012
@asf MANY THANK YOUS!!! if you wanna help some more you can tell your friends

January 5th, 2012
done :)
January 5th, 2012
@jardika3 your the Best Jess!!!
January 5th, 2012
January 5th, 2012
@dolittlemd Thank you Cheryll I really appreciate your support!
January 5th, 2012
@cvanheel done!!! Always like mx shots.
January 5th, 2012
@racedoug33 Thanks Doug!! I have more where that came from lol
January 5th, 2012
lol can't wait to see them all
January 5th, 2012
@racedoug33 Here is my Photo Facebook. I have all Kinda of MX and Downhill Mountainbike photos on there if you want to look
January 5th, 2012
Thanks!!! Great albums!!! Here are some of mine from the Steel City Nationals
January 5th, 2012
@racedoug33 It says the page is not available. post a link on my photo page maybe itll work that way. I saw you like it! thank you for the support with that too!!!
January 6th, 2012
Done... :)
January 6th, 2012
@marilyn Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!! :-D
January 6th, 2012
@cvanheel I posted the links on your facebook wall, that should work...lol.
January 6th, 2012
@cvanheel done. and veery cool shot!
January 6th, 2012
@stepheesue Thanks!!!! :-D
January 6th, 2012
Done! It's an awesome pic!
January 6th, 2012
done!! Great shot!
January 6th, 2012
LIKED!!! :)....and it really is a great shot!!!
January 6th, 2012
@cjwhite @mtol @mrstfeeley216 Thanks guys!!!!! You should tell your friend to do it too :-P
January 6th, 2012
@cvanheel I will :)
January 6th, 2012
@mrstfeeley216 I'm so close to catching 1st he has 97 likes I have 74!!!!
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