
January 5th, 2012
Just wanted to say hello! My name's Sharon and I'm a photo addict ! I did a 365 project on facebook last year and got hooked. Am doing it again for a second year, and wanted to upload to here as well. I am just loving seeing everyone's photos and already feel like part of what is going to be a fab family.

Not sure how my photos get viewed - I see some photos with hundreds of views and tons of comments but mine haven't really been seen much.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and am really excited to be part of this big family
January 5th, 2012
Participate in discussions, threads, challenges and comment comment comment on other's photos.
January 5th, 2012
thanks for those tips, much appreciated!
January 5th, 2012
I am new at this as well. Been doing photography seriously for about 3 years. I am sure I will probably miss some days, but I'm all in!
January 6th, 2012
Im new to,but looking forward to this :3 i love taking pictures,check mine out, fav/comment them pweasee&thank youuuuu
January 6th, 2012
Hi Sharon. I'm new here too..and relatively new to photography as well. I haven't gotten any responses on my photos...maybe that's a sign that mine stink! :) I'm really hoping to learn from this year...improve and grow and see where it takes me. So please feel free to comment and give advice...!
January 6th, 2012
Im trying not misss any day !!!! I love all the pictures i've seen !!! Pleasee folllooow my project, thank you !! I will follow back I PROMISE :)
January 6th, 2012
Hey All :)

Also newbie - I thought that with the start of a new year, I should start a new project as well! I wouldn't say I'm great at photography, but it makes me happy and I figure I'll end up with a "WOW" photo someday...[most likely 365].

Just a question - is it possible to browse more than 1 page of "latest"?

Thanks so much!
January 6th, 2012
Wow ! What great response, and this post has resulted in so many views of my photos and lots of follows ! I am really enjoying this interaction so far!! My facebook page is private to just my friends, and I get fabulous feedback from them, but this really is something else - I am just loving seeing everyone's photos and seeing how different all our lives are, depending a lot on where we are all that this is truly international !
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