So exciting!!

January 6th, 2012
HI am new to this and i love it already!!

I was always the one with the camera everywhere ha-ha so i decided to try this 365 day project. I love looking at every ones photos and getting inspired by everyone, its truly amazing. I'm not a photographer or anything but taking pictures is a passion!!

I hope i learn more techniques and get better at this each day..
January 6th, 2012
Aw welcome. I'd love to see your work :) And don't forget, Have fun:)

Oh and we have the same camera. Hi5!
January 6th, 2012
welcome to 365! enjoy!
January 6th, 2012
@blerinab @paulaag .thanks:)
January 6th, 2012
@mmm I look forward to seeing you progress over the next 12 months.

I have been putting off doing a 365 project for a few years now, but since its a leap year this I decided if I am going to do it, I am going to do it on the longest year in 4 years. :)
January 6th, 2012
Hi Monica and welcome! Just one warning... it is addictive, this photography thing... hehe. Rule #1: Never leave home without your camera. Rule #2: Always take time to look back through the photos you have posted and marvel at all the things you've done that you might have forgotten about if you didn't have this wonderful photo album! Rule #3: Have fun! Sounds like you've already got Rule #3 under control... :-)
January 6th, 2012
Hi Monica. Welcome to 365.

I'm going to also agree with everything that @parkerriverkid posted above.
January 6th, 2012
Welcome =)
January 6th, 2012
Welcome Monica!
January 6th, 2012
Agreed with what everyone said ^^ I did this project in 2010, and it was amazing because even now I can look at a picture I took during the project and remember EVERYTHING I did during that day. And I have HORRIBLE memory. It's a fabulous journal! And everytime I look through the old pictures, it inspires me to try new things, or try old things in a new way!
January 6th, 2012
@parkerriverkid thanks so much for the advice:)..
@webfoot @lolanae @amonroy76 @ariananeala and thanks for making me feel welcome lol!!
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