Bravely stepping in...

January 6th, 2012
Hello everyone,
I'm very nervously stepping into this arena. Have pretty much zero photography skills, a not-very-good basic camera, and no time in my life for another project :-) But it excites me to know what I could learn from all you wonderful people and what this interest might perhaps become. And I'd love to remind myself of the many blessings I have in life, and taking photos can do that I think. So a little late starting in 2012 but here I am.

Me? Australian mother of 4 kids, working part time as a teacher of English language. I'd love any comments, criticism even. Just need to learn what my crappy camera is still capable of ;-)
January 6th, 2012
@tulipgirl welcome. I see you are perfect for this.

Crappy camera - check.
zero skills - check
no time - check

Just remember the camera is just the tool, the creativity comes from within.

Me. I have also just started my 356 project after putting it off for a few years. I take a lot of photos, but I don't take them daily so this should be a bit of a challenge for me.
January 6th, 2012
Welcome! Your 'qualifications' sound spot on to me! Just keep your camera with you as much as possible! Oh and have fun! X
January 6th, 2012
Welcome! It's a fun place and you'll learn quickly!
January 6th, 2012
Welcome! :)
January 6th, 2012
@agima Brenden maunder...That just cracked me the freak up! So funny and so true. Well, I finally got a 'good camera" but one out of three IS bad. haha.

Alicia...welcome and that is great to jump on the site and get excited! It will be fine! You will see!
January 6th, 2012
Welcome I too am new, have no skills,time and am using my droid as the camera.
January 6th, 2012
welcome, im an aussie mum of 2, workign part time as a nurse. this si a great project :-)

ps some of my favourite shots are taken from my phone, so dont worry about your camera!
January 6th, 2012
Thanks everyone, feeling very loved already! Brendan maunder you're a crack-up, thank you!!
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