top rated photos?

January 23rd, 2012
does anyone know how the rating system works? my #3 top rated photo has more views, comments, and favs than my #1!!!
January 23rd, 2012
I've been on here for 10 months now, and mine's the same. My last 6 pics (literally this week) have EACH had more comments/favs etc than most in my 'top' 10, yet my list never changes!! We'll direct it to @scrivna and see if Ross can shed some light....
January 23rd, 2012
It will probably always remain a mystery but I know that the ratio between views, comments and favs plays an important role. My top-faved pictures are not even on the top ten because they got "too many" views and not enough comments I suppose. I'm sure there is an algorithm behing this
January 23rd, 2012
Probably something to do with how quickly the comments and favs were made, along with something to do with how many followers you had at the time. I dunno. But my highest rated photo has only just been relegated - it had far less comments and favs than the others, but it *was* one of my earliest shots when I was a Billy-no-mates! :)
January 23rd, 2012
I agree with Elin. I think it has to do with how many followers you had at the time. I have one picture in my top ten that puzzles me... I have better shots by far that have more views and more favs, but I had the same number of followers at the time. There must also be something about how quickly it was viewed or how many views it got by 365ers and my Facebook friends.
January 23rd, 2012
@dmariewms my number 1 photo was taken the same day as my number 3 photo. (different albums) the number 3 has more views, comments, and favs.... doesn't make sense! LOL
January 23rd, 2012
I think there is also part of the equation contributed to if the photos are viewed/fav'd over a sustained period of time.
If a photo gets (for example) 15 views, 10 comments and 5 favs on the day it's posted but nothing on following days/weeks it seems less likely to get/stay in your top 10 then if it has 15 views, 10 comments and 5 favs on the day it's posted then 12 views, 5 comments and 4 favs on the second day and 3rd day.
January 23rd, 2012
i'm curious too...i always assumed it was this type of formula, but, then i don't know why my top 10 hasn't changed in forever....i have some pictures now that got more views/favs/comments in a shorter amount of time then what is currently my top 10.....i have one on there that has no favs, and very little views and comments...and no one has viewed in a while...not sure how it's not on there and not sure how better newer ones aren't on there yet
March 4th, 2012
I'm quite curious about this myself. @scrivna Can you shed some light on this topic?
March 27th, 2012
I have been wondering about this too. I understand that the magic monkeys pick the PP photos and that is fine - but I would have thought that "Your Top Rated Photos" would be based on the stats of Views/Comments/Favs. My No 1 photo is about the only one that is in the correct spot according to those stats.

@scrivna I have searched this topic and have yet to find a comment from you re this. As there has been quite a lot of discussion on here about it and no comment from you, would you please care to comment now? I love this site and being an "Ace" member and just want to know how it works. Not criticising - just curious.
March 27th, 2012
There are about a bazillion posts about top rated photos and how the popular page works, its a secret, so no, I wont be telling you how it works.

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