Photography Books

July 2nd, 2010
Anyone have any books on photography that they own and really enjoy or that you would recommend?
I know I need some up to date books.

I own two books on teaching photography and they are both from the 70's!

One book is The Art of Photography and that was put out by Time Magazine in 1971.
The other book I have is John Hedgescoe's Complete Photography Course . Both are fantastic and teach great technique and I would recommend them to anyone if you somehow came across them. (I bought both at a local library's book sale!)
The Hedgescoe book is really cool, and I think it is a fantastic learning tool. It tells you how to shot all different subject matter and I've learned a lot from it.
July 2nd, 2010
Hi Chris.. I'm the book buyer for Tate in London, we have a huge photography section... some popular sellers include:

Photography - A Cultural Reader - very interesting and up to date...

How To Read A Photograph

For Theory - Roland Barthes / John Berger / Susan Sontag...

July 2nd, 2010
I like How to Photograph Absolutely Everything, by Tom Ang.
July 2nd, 2010
My all time favourite book on photography is:
'Pictures on a Page - Photojournalism, Graphics and Picture Editing' by Harold Evans
Unfortunately, you will be lucky to pick up one of these blighters for under £40 as they are quite sought after, try your local library to see one.

another couple I like to dip into are:

'The Genius of Photography' by Gerry Badger (from the BBC TV series)

'The Photographer's Eye' by John Szarkowski

Good thread!
July 2nd, 2010
My favourite has to be The photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos (the version by Michael Freeman) - it's just excellent. I strongly recommend it:
July 2nd, 2010
scott kelby and bryan peterson books!
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