HELP WANTED PLEASE - Colton Name Project

February 6th, 2012
I have a huge favor to ask of my fellow 365'ers...A friend of mine lost her son last year in a tragic accident. In honor of what would have been his 12th birthday she decided to start the "Colton Name Project". Basically she asks for this...

For Colton’s first birthday in heaven, I wanted to do something really special. His 12th birthday is February 24th. With that in mind, I have a really big favor to ask. Between now and then, I would love to see Colton’s name spelled in as many ways as possible, in as many different settings as possible. Handwrite his name, spell it out with objects or even people, write it in another language, skywrite it, etc. Do you have any famous friends or relatives that would hold up his name and have their picture taken? Just write his name, hold it up in front of you, put it on the ground or place it in front of a famous monument, building, etc. - be creative, go big or go small. Then simply take a picture of it.
If you don’t mind, please forward this project to your family and friends far and wide. Anyone can participate, knowing Colton or us is not necessary. Maybe you could post it on your Facebook page, twitter, blogs etc? Wouldn’t it be nice to get pictures from across the globe? It is my hope that Colton will always be remembered by those who knew him but to have people from all around the country, the world to think of him… just for a few moments… is awe-inspiring. I would like to eventually put them all into a photo book. I would love to get lots of photos between now and his birthday but will be happy to keep collecting them for as long as you want to send them in. This starts now so send your photos as soon as you can to: or by US mail to: P.O. Box 14401, Jacksonville, FL 32238. Another hope is that people think of organ donation and discuss it with their family. Colton saved four lives with his gifts. A young man even got his heart.
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Much love and hugs to everyone,
Carole (Colton's Mother)

For the entire story you can go to
Thank you for considering this. If you would rather post your photos here and have me forward them to her...I wouldn't mind. Please just leave a name and location so I can tell her who and where it came from!
Thanks again,
February 6th, 2012
I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. I just cannot imagine..... What a fantastic idea you have here!! I'll do my best to try something for you, and I hope others on 365 do too! Good luck. x
February 6th, 2012
@kimmiesue Thank you so much. I know this is going to mean the world to her :)
February 6th, 2012
I will most definitely try to think of something creative! I'm sorry to hear about her loss. You are a good friend!
February 6th, 2012
will be glad to help out, just need a day or two to get it done...
February 6th, 2012
I'm so sorry to hear about her loss. I know everything is part of His plan, but it's very hard when it's your child. I have an idea but might be a couple days.
February 6th, 2012
Here's what I could think of for now... Too bad I didn't know about this last weekend as we were in Colton and I would have taken a photo of the sign coming into the town. Hope this works... :)
February 6th, 2012
I already posted this on her facebook page, but wanted to share... This is what I came up with:

February 6th, 2012
mmmmmmm Let me think of something.... What did the Colton like to do?
February 6th, 2012
@agima this was on the facebook page along with a pic of him practicing football
Colton was a huge Jacksonville Jaguar, Florida Gator and Tim Tebow fan. Colton was so very humbled and flattered when he was lovingly compared to Tim. It was because he was a very kind-hearted boy and a pretty talented left-handed quarterback. He also loved playing baseball.
February 6th, 2012
@bitchin1589 oh my goodness so creative!!
February 6th, 2012
@emjay8 Thanks. as I am Australian I will assume that you are talking about a sport of some description and most likely gridiron. :-)

I will see what I can whip up with my creative mind...
February 6th, 2012
@nikkers @tryeveryday Thank you so much for showing interest. Take as long as you need! She would like to have them by his birthday (Feb.24) but will accept them at anytime.
@marilyn Thank you for doing this! I will send it to Carole. She will be so appreciative. (as am I ) This is lovely.
@bitchin1589 All I can say is WOW!!! That is so beautiful and so creative. Carole is going to love it. (Colton would have thought it was awesome too)
@agima Colton loved his American sports (Football,Baseball) But he was also a lover of animals and nature. Particularly his dog and his horses. He also loved fishing.
@emjay8 Thanks for filling Brendan in for me =)
@ashpanelli I couldn't agree with you more!
February 6th, 2012
I will come up with something and share it on my page.
February 6th, 2012
@agima yep, she's referring to American football
February 6th, 2012
What a wonderful way of honoring such a special life. I will try by best.
February 6th, 2012
@agima ha yes, as a NZer I shall refer to it as gridiron for you :) as for all those names you will need to google them as I also have no idea on the specifics :)
February 6th, 2012
@jsw0109 @emjay8 thanks.
February 7th, 2012
Done, i have emailed her two actually because i couldn't decide but here is one of them. with the New Zealand sunset this evening. the other was in my garden with a tree in the background
February 7th, 2012
@emjay8 Oh Wow Mel...Thank you so much! That sunset is breathtaking. What a beautiful way to honor Colton. I appreciate you taking the time to do this! I know that Colton's mother will too.
February 11th, 2012
Wow, I missed this! Your event link doesn't work for me :( Is it over?
February 11th, 2012
February 12th, 2012
@tryeveryday This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for participating in this project. This photo is going to mean the world to his mother!
February 12th, 2012
@leahfu She has been having trouble with the link...but I think that she fixed it. If not you could always post it here and I will make sure that she gets it! Thank you so much for looking into it!
February 12th, 2012
I wanted to share it on facebook. :/
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