
February 24th, 2012
I just thought it might be nice if those of us doing @tabbycat's Photoschool might have a catchup on how the first week went for us, what we felt about it, our favourite photo (our own and/or someone else's) and whatever else we might want to say. Tabs has a lot on, but was happy for it to happen.
For me, I really enjoyed it. I moved into my new house in a new town last summer, so still have lots to discover about my new space (including how I am ever going to fit into it and get it the way I want it - its way smaller than my old house). I wanted to see how many different aspects of 'my space' I could convey, and in the end, I managed 12. the ideas didn't all come easily, but I always had one or two to think about at a time. I found myself trying new things, particularly the abstract 'Space inside my head'. I thought it was great that the assignment inspired me to do this!
The hardest one to achieve in a practical sense was Sharing my Space, requiring 90 shots, and a tubful of treats to get all the pets to stay in one place for long enough!
My favourite shots by others were @janmaki's selfie with chairs, and @mstipe's waterfall.
February 25th, 2012
i am loving this photoschool - just what i need - i only managed one photo for the 1st one : - (, due to other commitments, but will try harder next time
I really liked your shots and @janmaki's as well as the colourful locker shot from tabbycat
February 25th, 2012
@mortisa - Yeah, its brilliant of @tabbycat, isn't it, and I agree with you about her locker shot - funny, I didn't mention it cos I kind of think of her as the 'teacher.' :-) Thanks for the kind words about my shots!
February 25th, 2012
@jenirainbow Just not sure what to do for this weeks : ~
February 25th, 2012
@mortisa - Hmm, I had an idea for mine, but not sure how it will work, photographically! I'm sure we will both get there, though, we have a week. Just say if you want to bounce a few ideas around, hopefully some of the others will join in too! :-)
February 25th, 2012
@jenirainbow I have no ideas, thats the problem, I am not sure I understand the question : - (
February 25th, 2012
@mortisa @jenirainbow I realized I have a very global sense of space and home and my space. Have started to work on this week's assignment and am glad there is a weekend cause that gives me more flexibility to getting out for location shots.
February 25th, 2012
@scrivna spammer...again!
February 25th, 2012
@mortisa -Well, as I understand it, the idea is to take a photograph of something that represents your space. It can be an object (i.e. 3D) or it could be a picture (2D) e.g. a drawing or painting but NOT a photograph. It could be something you make yourself, or you could photograph something in a different way or edit it using a technique you haven't tried before.
So last week we were taking photos of the actual space (at least, in most cases) whereas, this week we are taking photos of something that REPRESENTS our personal spaces, rather than the actual spaces. I'm sure @bmnorthernlight won't mind if I direct you to her contribution - she explains the reason for her choice of photograph of a 3D item, which you may find helpful. also @tabbycat's stick figures are a 2D example. They were clearly inspired by some of her photos from the week 1 task.
February 25th, 2012
@swguevin - Hi Sheila! it sounds like you have some ideas already! Have a great weekend and I hope the weather is good for you so you can get out and about, working on your assignment. It is interesting, isn't it, how doing the tasks makes you analyse what 'your space' means to you as an individual, and how this shows in our different approaches and choices!
February 25th, 2012
@grammyn - Oh, I emailed him too! Duh, I never thought of just messaging him on here! :-)
February 25th, 2012
@jenirainbow I have seen it on several threads tonight and just took the lead from someone on one of these threads who did that. I would never have thought of it on my own! ;~}
February 25th, 2012
@grammyn - Oh, that makes me feel better then! Ross will no doubt sort it out! Cheers! Were you reading this thread because you are doing the photoschool, or just to check it out?
February 25th, 2012
@jenirainbow Not doing it ,,,,,,,,,yet!
February 25th, 2012
@grammyn Oh well, feel free to join in if and when... :-)
February 25th, 2012
@tabbycat's What is this photoschool and how do I join?
February 25th, 2012
Ohhh, just clicked on this to see what it was about. I think I didn't get a notification because you added an 's to my user??
Anyway, thanks so much for the shout out!
I really struggled last week. I had a hard time figuring out what my space really was. Everytime someone would post something, esspecially you since I follow you, I'd say, OF COURSE!! out loud. Especially with the spider photo.
I too wasn't sure how exactly to go about this weeks assignment so thank you for your explination.
February 25th, 2012
I think it's already come to an end. Did you all see her post today? :(
February 25th, 2012
@shirljess - I'm acting as link person for the photoschool at the moment, and @tabbycat has a lot going on right now. Basically she is doing a photograpy course for the next year, so many of us were jealous, she kindly agreed to share her assignments, so we can participate alongside her for free. We are now on week 2 but it won't matter that you didn't do week 1 (though you still could, if you like - search for the discussion board thread if you want to. There's a synopsis of the task for week 2 above, or look at @tabbycat post on her page (stick drawing pic, a couple of days ago. Take your pic during this week and tag it Photoschool365-2 (the last figure to indicate the week we are on). Have fun!
February 25th, 2012
@mstipe - Oh sorry, I thought it would still work with the 's. I'll remember for the future. Glad you found it! Well, I suppose the purpose of the assignment was to really make you think about your space and how to illustrate what it means to you, and you cracked it brilliantly! So glad if I helped give you food for thought along the way. Good luck for this week. We are continuing with photoschool, I will act as link person for Tabs (we have a bit of fine tuning how it will work, but it'll be fine!)
February 25th, 2012
Yay for @jenirainbow !!!

@mortisa @mstipe @grammyn @swguevin @shirljess I'm sorry guys that i bailed out on 365. There was just some ugly stuff going on that left a bad taste in my proverbial mouth, and I don't want to be here anymore, but I WILL continue the photoschool for you guys, and will try to upload assignment photos myself too! I am leaving the very capable Jeni in charge and I'm just wondering how this would best work? Probably just a new discussion thread for each week, detailing the assignment and the tag for it...does anyone have any thoughts on this? (discussion thread vs posting on mine or Jeni's profile..??
February 25th, 2012
@tabbycat - Thanks Tabs, its no problem!
My thoughts are that if we have a discussion thread, we can put up photos that illustrate points we are discussing, Though I don't mind posting on my profile page if others would prefer that. and you know, everyone would be very glad if you choose to come back, maybe when things have had time to settle down a bit...?
February 25th, 2012
Nope I won't be back. I'm too pissed at R, but yes, a thread just like all the other theme threads should worok out well....
February 25th, 2012
@tabbycat Sorry to ask and you probably can't say, but what happened??
February 25th, 2012
@jenirainbow @tabbycat
I'm glad the two of you have worked something out! How very generous of both you.
I think a thread would be best. Then everyone will feel welcome to participate and join in.

Tabitha- I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavors! I know you'll be great!
February 25th, 2012
@tabbycat I don't know what happened but so sorry you feel you have to leave - you have been very inspiring to me. thanks jeni for continuing this, i think a discussion thread would be good
February 25th, 2012
@jenirainbow @tabbycat I like the idea of discussion threads. A new one for each assignment, kind of like the contests are done. So we can find the assignment in the thread and post progress photos. Also, that way new people can jump in if they want to play too.

Meanwhile I gave some thought to my space and realized I carry my own little world around with me. Found a very old key and though of using it, but instead am shooting my world this week at my 3-d object which best represents my space. Here's my latest:

February 26th, 2012
@mstipe @mortisa @swguevin
Thanks for all your responses. it seems like a discussion thread would be preferred, on the basis of responses so far!
Love your contribution, Sheila! Beautiful shot and the globe literally encapsulates the space around you!
February 26th, 2012
@jenirainbow I like the idea of the discussion thread also ..easy to find and everyone can enjoy! I have already had some difficulty with assingment #1 I only got to take one photo of my space...and my # 3D object photo was just plain old boring with saying that i will try very hard to be more creative please bear with me on that!!

@tabbycat...Thank you for doing this for all of us...You will be missed! ...
February 26th, 2012
@ellimae You did better than me I came up with nada for week 2! Good thing I'm not *actually* in this class!!

Glad to see this will carry on!
February 26th, 2012
@ellimae @tamsg4
There's still plenty of time for a 3D object shot (more than one if you like) as this assignment continues until Thursday (and beyond if you wish, but we get a new one then).
This is my first attempt, and I'm not happy with it, though I like the shells and the focus. I'm not sure how to improve it, so any suggestions would be welcome.

February 27th, 2012
@jenirainbowI really like this I like the dof and the focus and I think it helps to know what you idea of space is first to know how you are rellating the object to it..This fits perfectly! i dont think i really had a grasp on what i could use and now that i have seen some others..i could have used alot of other objects to discribe my space... so i am going to try to get a better perspective on this by Thursday!! Thanks!
February 27th, 2012
@ellimae - Thank you and I'm glad if it and other people's ideas help! That's the brilliant thing about lots of us doing it together - we can bounce ideas around, suggest things and reassure each other. Best of luck, I'm sure you'll get some great shots! :-)
February 27th, 2012
OK so I did the only thing I could think of...I was still drawing an utter blank for ideas!!!

February 27th, 2012
Well, its a beautiful photo, love the tones, angle and shadow! Er...What is it, actually? (Not that it matters for the project, I'm just curious?)
March 1st, 2012
@tamsg4 Wow! This is brilliant! Very Eiffel Tower...
March 1st, 2012
@tarbus @tamsg4
It really reminded me of the Eiffel tower as well! Lovely, isn't it.
I started a new thread on the General discussion page today for Photoschool365-3
March 2nd, 2012
@tarbus @jenirainbow It is an Eiffel Tower ornament! I forgot my text doesn't copy over as well haha it was explained under the pic but I didn't copy it here!! It's so obvious to me (obviously since I took it lol) so I forget y'all can't read my mind!! ;-P Thanks! Hopefully I have more ideas for the new assignment!
March 2nd, 2012
@jenirainbow Might it be better in "tips and techniques"......?
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