Most Meaningful/ Inspirational/ Motivational Photos

March 17th, 2012
Hello 365ers!

Have you come across any photograph(s), taken by someone else or by yourself, from which you actually get inspiration/ motivation?

Feel free to share such photos here, preferably along with a short writeup on what deeper meanings you have seen in them. It can be lessons on life, love, family, friends, people, time, appreciation, kindness, respect etc. that you see in the photos, or that you felt when taking the photo. If you want to, you can also add one or two inspirational/ motivational quotes that you think are apt to accompany the meaning that the photo is showing. (:

Now, let's spread some good inspirations around! Let's bring out the deeper meaning of photography! :D

P.S. Please do remember to @ mention the photographers' names next to their photos, if they do not belong to you.
March 17th, 2012
This one, by @geertje is still probably one of my most favorite images to date - the flower at the base of the cross-shaped gaps reminds me to come to the cross and lay down my problems, for He will take up my burden and walk with me in all things, great or small
March 17th, 2012

This was one of my earliest faves. Emily posted a beautiful poem about death being just a door. I had recently lose my father it had a wonderfully emotional link for me. She doesn't post now but if its still available click on it to read the poem.
March 17th, 2012

I learned this month that I could write my own fortune!
March 17th, 2012
@dhostick thank you, it's such an honour to read this! I also love this photo. now I have to find my pick...
March 17th, 2012
There's a "deeper meaning" to photography?
March 17th, 2012
@soldaat This shot should motivate ALL of us on this project to help to eradicate child poverty! No child should have to suffer like this and we should all be motivated to do our bit and/or support him in his wish to 'adopt' the 17 families in this refugee camp.
March 18th, 2012
Another photo by @soldaat To say that we should all have a hand in this child's freedom form war and to stop the suffering there...
March 18th, 2012
This photo by Richard R Tuckey @rrt is so inspirational to me because it is a photo of a gift from God.
March 18th, 2012

Hi Jase, my first thought to your question is "Why not?" (: I'm not too good with words myself, so I thought I'd just share with you a quote that sums up what I want to express:

“Everything in the world has a hidden meaning. . . . Men, animals, trees, stars, they are all hieroglyphics. When you see them you do not understand them. You think they are really men, animals, trees, stars. It is only years later that you understand.”
― Nikos Kazantakis

I personally believe that every photograph has at least one meaningful story to tell, be it the photographer's own story, the subject's story, or a more universal theme that most people can relate to. I guess it's just a matter of how people decipher them! (:
March 18th, 2012
@dhostick @Cherrill @httpgeffed @moirab @buttercup

Thank you for all your wonderful sharings!

Now, to add on my own thoughts on the photos shared thus far...

I do agree that each new day/ opportunity to live is the best gift anyone of us can receive (referring to Mary's comment on @rrt photo), and we ought to be appreciative of it (as seen from the wise words in Colleen G.'s fortune cookie).

Yet, in this world, there are still people who open their eyes to a bright new day just like we do, but they physically live in dangerous war-zones (Mary's share of @soldaat photo) or in poor living conditions typical of poor regions (Moira Brown's share of @soldaat photo).

I guess these photos teach us that everyone do face problems, of different kinds and of different combinations. (I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved kin, Cherrill.) Some people may choose to allow God to help them with their problems (like Donna Hostick who can see the subtle message that God wants her to know through @geertje photo). But I guess all of us should lend a hand in helping to solve large-scale problems, like warring and poverty, as well...
March 20th, 2012

My mum is fighting breast cancer, and I took this shot yesterday xx
March 21st, 2012
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