Suggestions For My Photos

March 28th, 2012
As a beginner in photography, I do not have many photos up yet. Still can I have some advice on how to make them better. It would be nice if you would leave any help / critique.

A collection of memories
March 28th, 2012
You have some amazing pictures there, I am no where near a pro so I'll leave the technical critique to someone more qualified. I will say however a title would be nice, even if it's just the name of the animal etc that you photographed.
March 28th, 2012
@tracywilliams Thanks for the advice, I will update the title soon.... :)
March 28th, 2012
Great album, I would like to see some of your animals fully in the frame. Some of your shots had beaks, tails & feet out of the frame which I think would have made for a better shot if they were included. Really like you shots, will be following
March 28th, 2012
I think titles would be nice as well, you have some pretty amazing bird life in your album. I find your watermark a little distracting, it drags my focus to it, away from the photo, especially when it is covering part of the bird.
March 28th, 2012
The drainage grate with the snow around it is pretty neat. Nicely done. Generally, I like them. Framing and composition can use a little bit of work, but the colors are there. Personally, I really don't care for that giant watermark in your pics. I find it more distracting and takes away from the pic as my eye tends to wander back to the watermark.
The very simple watermark in your snow/grate pic I referred to in the beginning of my post works better, IMO.
March 28th, 2012
You have a lot of great content and obviously a lot of fun things to photograph. I think you need to work on your composition the most. Most of the photos are very centered. And with the animals, I think the composition would benefit more if you framed them fully instead of chopping off at the wing or beak (like with people you want to avoid limb chops)
You are off to a great start!
March 28th, 2012
i agree with leonie, the watermark would be my thing to change, reduce the size and make it simple as its so distracting
March 28th, 2012
@jenp Thanks for the feedback :)

I found Composition of Pictures using DSLR in YouTube and thought that it may help others like me
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