Time Warp.......

April 5th, 2012
Okay, I live in the Pacific Time Zone and I've finally figured out this website is located in the British Isles. So, if I post a photo at 9:00PM today, does that mean I am actually posting my picture tomorrow? So if I post a photo in the morning, Pacific Daylight Time, and then at 2100 hours my time, does that mean I'm posting today AND tomorrow?

Tick, tick, tick, tick..........
April 6th, 2012
God only knows. If you get a correct answer please let me know.
April 6th, 2012
there are monkeys. and stuff.

everything is based on GMT, fyi. ...... :)
April 6th, 2012
whatever it is, don't feed it after midnight....good luck deciding when midnight is.
April 6th, 2012
You determine what day your photo is to be posted by the calendar date at the end of the download. All you need to really know is to keep an eye on that to ensure you get your one shot per day for the calendar year. Just keep an eye on the monthly calendar shot to see if you have any gaps. Working on The Seven project is odd because Arielle before me (living in the US) can sometimes post her photo after me, because living here in Australia, we are so advanced... ;)
April 6th, 2012
I find my camera clock determines which day this website recognises it as and it defaults to that date on uploading, which on the calendar is tomorrow for half the people on this site
April 6th, 2012
Okay! Thanks for clearing up the time warp business. I'm getting an iPhone later this spring which will enable me to take really nice "on-the-fly" shots on days I can't haul my 7D with me.

As Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett say, "It's Five o'Clock Somewhere"
April 6th, 2012
@gizathecat When you post a photo it appears to be in your local time, but the site itself functions off GMT seemingly
April 6th, 2012
Okay! Thank you Peter in Australia! I've changed my time zone setting to Pacific Time here in North America.
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