What do YOU take?

July 27th, 2010
When you go out to take photos, do you take anything in particular?
(Obviously yourself and a camera + accessories are a given)

Do you plan ahead and take baby wipes in case you get your hands muddy whilst moving plants slightly?

Do you take an umbrella so as you can shoot in the rain?

What else do you take with you?
July 27th, 2010
if you don't have a tripod, a little bean bag is useful :)
flashlight for lighting
July 27th, 2010
lens wipes are a must... and my sketchbook!
July 27th, 2010
i usually just take my and my camera.
July 27th, 2010
I take just my camera...that is all I need.
July 27th, 2010
I would say 98% of the time I take just me and my camera (i have only a p&s, so it goes everywhere with me). Usually my shots come from me walking by something and thinking "hey, I like the way that looks" and photo snapping ensues. There are those couple times though where I maybe have been someplace before and had an idea but not what I need or just a thought that pops into my head. that's when I might take extra 'stuff' along with me based on my needs for the idea, to make it work (i.e. a towel to lay/sit on the ground, extra shoes, umbrella etc.)
July 27th, 2010
It depends on where I'm going. Sometimes it's just me and my camera but most of the time I take my tripod, armpod, camera bag with all of my lenses, lens cleaners, extra batteries, my flash, UV filter, polarizing filter, sunblock, mosquito repellant, a blanket or sheet to lay on in case I want to get a shot from on the ground, extra lens caps, lens hoods, etc. Mind you most of that fits in my camera bag so I don't have a whole lot of stuff to carry.

Yeah, just like when I go camping, I take way too much stuff with me just in case LOL.
July 27th, 2010
Me, my camera and an extra battery.
July 27th, 2010
I always keep my camera (P&S only) in my handbag and also a mini tripod that I have, although I don't use it much.
July 27th, 2010
When I go out side to shoot, or even inside for that matter, I have my camera and my iPod. I feel like when I listen to music it helps me be more creative.
July 27th, 2010
Just spare charged batteries mostly, depends on where I am going. I shoot most of my photos at home or out with my girls who as pre-schoolers need so much stuff when we go out the last thing I need is lots of camera equipment to carry as well, LOL.
July 27th, 2010
I take my
- slingshot 100
- Canon 450D + 24-105 L Lens
- 50mm prime (1.8)

I've got two different configurations for my accessories. My "on the go" set up and my studio Setup. The on the go setup is my standard thats always in there - when i'm off on quick holidays, I just pick it up and stuff it in my hand carry.

On The Go
- Flash + diffuser
- Spare memory cards
- 2 spare batteries
- 2 sets of flash batteries
- lens cleaner

- IR Flash Trigger
- Exposure Meter
- Spare memory cards
- 2 Spare batteries
lens cleaner
July 27th, 2010
i take the lot with me , my bag is packed with lens cleaners , remote trigger , spare batteries , spare memory cards , tripod . If its going to rain , i bring out the brelly . 9 times out of 10 what i think im going to shoot i dont , i find something else interesting . So best to have all my gear with me .
Oh yes and like Chris i have my iphone cranked up on ipod , on loud speaker too lol just me in the mood so to speak lol
July 28th, 2010
wow can't wait to have the set up the Karen and Weng have! But right now I just take my camera, tripod, lens cleaner, and spare card.
July 28th, 2010
my d40, and my flash+long distance lense
but usually i go solo with my one of my polaroids.
July 28th, 2010
Music is a necessity. The type of music I listen to tends to dictate what photos I take, and it also prevents me from feeling self-conscious when I stop in the middle of a crowd to take photos. Otherwise, camera-lens-filter.
July 28th, 2010
I just grab my photobag. It´s always filled whith camera, lenses, filters, tripod and camera cleanings.
July 28th, 2010
Camera, a 35-70mm, a 55-200mm, and a circular polarizer. What else do I need? Why complicate things, eh?
July 29th, 2010
gosh, I'm not that organized. Camera just gets shoved in my bag every morning and off I go. I never know what will inspire me to get it out and start shooting.
July 29th, 2010
You guys really think ahead, huh? Me... not so much ._.
July 29th, 2010
Most of the time it is just my D70 and my 35-105 with macro lens but lately after starting 365project.org and daily shoot I ahve been bringing the camera bag with all of my lenses and gear everywhere I go. I find the dailyshoot.com exercises a lot of fun and inspiring.
July 29th, 2010
I take the standard equpiment in my bag (my Canon Rebel XS, UV filters, a polarizing filter, my 18-55mm lens and my 75-300mm lens). If I had my tripod I would take it too but it's at my Aunt's house. Besides that I usually don't bring anything else in case I think of it. I've used umbrellas before for shooting.
July 30th, 2010
Just me and my camera =) Keeping it simple ;-)
July 30th, 2010
For me its a safari. I normally have my daughter and our dog and at weekends my partner who takes his canon (during the week I have this if I wish :)
So...its my camera, baby wipes, dog, lead and poo bags, gps, paper with co-ordinates or instructions, and daughter who needs her own camera because she has her eye on mine lol
July 30th, 2010
Me + my camera is all I really need for 95% of my outings. I bring along an extra memory card and battery as well as a lens cleaning kit for glasses usually and a large bottle of water to help wash off sand before getting back in my car if I go to the ocean. Oh, and I always have my iPhone with me since it can get some pretty nifty shots too!
July 30th, 2010
I take both my P&S and my Nikon D5000, with an extra lens. In the Nikon bag is also spare batteries and memory card.

To be honest, I actually always have both cameras on me. The P&S, despite being bulky, lives in my handbag, and the DSLR camera bag is always with me.... yes, people say I am obsessed...

I don't normally have to worry about rain, we don't get much!
July 30th, 2010
I just take my camera and filters (polarized mostly). Sometimes I'll take a blanket if I think I might want to sit a spell (e.g. in a garden/park setting), but normally, it's just the camera and my eyes. :)
July 31st, 2010
Besides the obvious camera and lenses, there are several things that are ALWAYS in my bag.

I take a few things to clean my lenses, sanitary lotion for those not so clean places and vacant buildings, sun screen, quarters for parking, batteries for flashes, a multi tool like a leather man only smaller, and gum. This sounds like a ton to carry but I'm forgetful and take off to get photos when I feel like it so the last thing I want to do is get ready to go out and then forget something. My camera bag is in my truck or car most the time so these things also just come in handy even when not shooting photos. My bag is kinda heavy but I'm use to it now.

I usually carry a pocket knife on me daily and has come in hand a few times taking photos.

If I plan on being out for more then an hr or two I take two bottles of water and sometimes a light jacket or sweat shirt.
July 31st, 2010
my photomobile (bike) and some stale bread to draw the animals closer to me so that I can get a closeup without approaching them :0)...oh, and once I took a spray bottle to simulate rain droplets on a flower.
July 31st, 2010
I haven't been "out" to take photos in so very long. :( I really would love to visit the centre of my city and get some awesome shots of the old architecture there, or just a streetscape.

The last time I took my camera on an excursion, it was to an event - and because it was indoors and at night, I just took all my standard things - 18-55, 55-250, and my flash (Canon Speedlight 430EX II).
July 31st, 2010
I don't even take a camera...
July 31st, 2010
just the old iPhone. . .
July 31st, 2010
Me...Camera...Extra battery and thats about it.
August 1st, 2010
I bring my Canon S90 compact with me every day with a spare battery and memory card
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