Help with a reverse ring

June 29th, 2012
Hello everyone.
I need some advice regarding taking pictures with a reverse ring.
I just ordered and received a reverse ring for my Canon T1i but I didn't understand that I actually wanted a reverse ring adapter. ather than a reverse ring - which seems to be used to attach two lenses together. I've tried to take a picture using this ring on my 18-55mm together with my 50mm and I got a tunnel vision picture.
How does the reverse ring work?

Thank you everyone!
June 29th, 2012
I've had one for about a year takes lots of practice! Lots of head bobbing involved. Bring the lens out to 55 and go in and out till you find your subject then manually focus from there. The closer you get to 18mm, the more light you need. It's tricky, but you're going to love it!

June 29th, 2012
Wait a can use it with your 50 AND your 18-55? Those are different thread sizes! You attach the ring to the front end of your lens, then flip the lens and attach it (backwards) to your camera body.
June 29th, 2012
Does this tutorial help?

As Jenn says, due to the different filter thread sizes, you will need a 52-58mm step-up adaptor.
June 29th, 2012
Yeah this is exactly my problem.. I thought i was buying the reverse ring that you are referring to, however instead I have ended up with a ring with threads on both sides that seems to be used to attach two lenses together!?!? Which wouldn't be much of a problem, if I knew how to get normal looking pictures... :(
June 29th, 2012
@humphreyhippo Thank you guys! The video helped. I have 52mm-58mm ring so I can use that with my 2lenses. And I guess I have to crop the picture I get so it doesn't look like a tunnel picture, right?
June 29th, 2012
I got it now!!! Thank you Humphrey and Jenn!!!
June 29th, 2012
@shutterbugger @humphreyhippo Am I confused? Does the 18-55 have a different objective lens size than the 50? I understand the "zoom" is different but how can you tell the objective lens diameter is the same or different from this post?
June 29th, 2012
@humphreyhippo @veronika ok, now I'M confused! You ordered a reverse ring but ended up with a step up/down ring? I'm glad you got it figured out anyway!

@shadesofgrey I had thought Veronika had got a reverse ring and couldn't figure out how come she could use both lenses with it. It would have to be 58mm ring for the 18-55 and a 52 to 58 step for the 50mm.
June 29th, 2012
@veronika The ring you have is actually used to attach a filter to a lens so you don't have to buy multiple copies of the filter for each lens......not two lenses together.. You are getting the tunnel vision thing because your looking through one lens the correct way and the other, the opposite way. Hold either lens up to the light looking through it backwards and you will see a tiny spot of light, that is what you are capturing on your camera, only a little larger because the sensor is "closer" to it.

@shutterbugger Thats what I thought you were saying. I was getting at the HOW of how did you know she needed a step up ring for the 50 mm but after re-reading her OP, thats the only way the two lenses would have fit together, one was a different diameter than the other.
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