Help me choose? =)

July 18th, 2012
My husband and I are completely re-designing our Music/Art Studio. On my side, I want to have a mini gallery wall. My original concept was to do 3 b&w photos in white 8X10 frames. One from each of our major trips (Europe in 2009, Road Trip across the U.S. in 2011 and Hawaii in 2012.)

But, I may do more, maybe 9 total? I'll just have to see...but the point is, we need prints of our travels! We get so busy that all of our photos stay in digital form. We don't have ANY prints of us around our home. Sad, huh?

(We also never did engagement/anniversary photos -- and we've been married 7 years -- so I guess these are them!)

Anyway, I would be very grateful if you could help me choose. Sometimes an outside perspective is really helpful. When they're your own photos, you get tired of looking at them (during editing and such) and they all start to look the same!

If you have an opinion, please let me know. Thank you in advance!!

Here's #1 for example:

p.s. they are all tagged "ryanerin" to help keep them together.

July 18th, 2012
I have an idea where the first pic is you, the second is a together shot and the third is of your husband "taking" the first shot of you. Like this:

Does that make sense? Is there room to go bigger than 8X10 with the shots?
July 18th, 2012
Hey, that's a good idea! I'll definitely consider it. =)
No, not really. Wall space is kind of a premium when you share a studio with your hubby, lol. 8X10 is about as big as I can go for now.
July 18th, 2012
Or put him in the middle, so he's not shooting through the couple shot...LOL I really like these three shots. But the eiffel tower one is really nice and gives more of a sense of your travels. I'm assuming the 3 I picked are one from each trip?
July 18th, 2012
Almost! The top one and bottom are both from Europe 2009. You missed one from our American road trip in 2011. ;-)
July 18th, 2012
They're all very good! I'd try to get them all up there. Different sized frames and maybe a small collage.
July 18th, 2012
#13 and 6 would be my choice : funny and impressive :D
July 18th, 2012
@shutterbugger That is the eventual goal! Thank you so much.
@calliopef Great, thanks for your input. =)
July 19th, 2012
Grouping rules in design are generally three, five, seven, you get the point. I personally feel white frames take away from b/w. I sell antique photographs, and black by far enhances the emotion. Just a personal perspective. Also, you could stack all three over each other. It would give you another topic space.
July 19th, 2012
21,15,3,7 are my favs. Lots of good ones- too hard to choose so just start with 3 and add as you can.
July 19th, 2012
@m9f9l @shutterbugger @calliopef @welcometocarolworld @jannkc

Thank you everyone for the helpful suggestions! I'm going to take a break from posting for awhile -- lots to do in the house!!

Besides, I think 34 choices is enough for now. I'll keep you posted on what I eventually decide. Thanks!
August 10th, 2012
@m9f9l @shutterbugger @calliopef @welcometocarolworld @jannkc

Hi everyone! I tagged everyone who commented in this discussion in case you wanted to see the outcome of what I chose. I have two groups of 3 going that I need to decide on.

Here's the first trio:

Paris, 2009

South Dakota, 2011

Hawaii, 2012

This satisfies my original idea of doing one photo per trip. The South Dakota one I have flipped and made more b&w to match the others.

Here's the second trio:

England, 2009

Switzerland, 2009

England, 2009

So, this second grouping is less diverse. The photos are all from the same trip to Europe in 2009. However, I think they are more artistic and emotional than the first group.


Oooh, I can't wait until Saturday. I'm spray painting the frames tomorrow a beautiful white color to go with all the other white and pastel colors in our office. Going to be so nice. :)
August 10th, 2012
Oops, that second one was supposed to be:

Don't know why it posted that first one twice, sorry!! :)
August 10th, 2012
First group :-) I like that it encompasses all the trips. I also like that you're both in all of them, but that one shows his eyes and one shows yours.
On the other hand....the second group has nice portraits. They're a bit out of balance though, his being more low key, yours being toward the high. So I guess I still like the first group. :-) Those portraits should be somewhere in your home though. Have a piano?LOL
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