Product Photography

July 26th, 2012
I've been asked by a Facebook friend to be her photographer for her small home based business. She deals with little girl accessories that are super cute. She is looking for a product photographer with possibly a few portraits down the road (I would think)

She asked what I would charge and I have NO idea! I'd like to shoot in my own house seeing as I know my own light, but that might not be convenient for her. I don't think there will be any prints involved.

I know there are a few 365 product photogs out there...I'd love to pick your brains!!
July 26th, 2012
Sorry cant offer much more than this blog, apart from dont sell yourself short you are a great photographer

Also shoot at home, you will be more relaxed and won't have the pressure of her breathing down your neck.
And good luck let us know how it goes.
July 27th, 2012
@johnnyfrs Thanks John...I was feeling kind of alone here!
I'm finding it hard to come up with that magic number.
Just after i posted this i was asked to shoot a casual wedding and that scares the shit out of me!
July 27th, 2012
Lol I won't do a wedding but then I don't really photograph people.Good luck
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