I was wondering how this picture looks.

August 27th, 2012
This picture i think is weird looking around eyes it kind of over sharp to me what do you think?

August 27th, 2012
I think it is fine except for one thing. You took away your nose which takes away from your face. I did a high key portrait back a ways (took it down becuase I was truly not that happy with it) and I did the same thing to my subject. Before I took it down I got some really good advice. If you take away from a woman's face, you take away from her beauty....

If you like the processing, keep it. However, with there only being a hint of your nose, it confuses the viewer. You could crop it just below the eyes but that would severly reduce the size of the picture. JMO.
August 27th, 2012
To keep the processing and rehighlight the nose, go back to the layer underneath and maybe do some light burning or contrast tweaking just there. Love the pic itself though and I think the sharp eyes bring the viewer to the eyes.
Can't wait to see it when you're all through!
August 27th, 2012
The eyes a beautiful that's all I can say as I don't know anything about how to process this kind of a picture.
August 27th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Thank you!! so much!

@kimdelee Thank you!!

@bruni Thank you!
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