Really Need Your Help!

September 1st, 2012
Okay, I'll be quick.

I'm running a project to improve well being through photography, (as many of you already know) for more info. please see here:

Current stage: I'm making a promo. video for a crowdfunding platform.

Deadline: 12th September (11 days, ARGH!)

What I need from you: Pictures of you/friends/family/the cat/the dog/the pet zebra/the teddy bear/the next door neighbor/your postbox (okay, you get the idea) in a frame. If you don't know what I'm on about, please see the Facebook page album: or some of my recent shots on here.

Also... if you feel like 'liking' my facebook page, following me on twitter (@ProjectETF) and/or sharing it with your friends that would be absolutely fab.

Please email any images to Please also email if you have any questions/suggestions/ideas/thoughts/are just bored and fancy a chat!

Hope I've not made this too long. You have no idea how much I appreciate any support and help you can give me! I am just an 18 year old girl running this project from my room and already I've been getting major companies contacting me so it's getting big!!!

Thank you so much for your time, sorry to bang on about it and pleeeeeeeeeease (for risk of begging...) help if you can :D
September 1st, 2012

I just did my family reunion all in frames, but I don't really have permission to share all those, but this is my son and I. so you can use this if it helps
September 1st, 2012
Thank you! That's fantastic! Would you mind if I used it on the Facebook page or are ou just happy for it to be in the video?x
September 2nd, 2012
@naomi I think this one you can use on FB and the video!
September 2nd, 2012
Thank you, you're a star!
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