365 feelings & thoughts

August 14th, 2010
I have found myself out of sync with 365, and in a bit of a slump with my photos this last week. I couldn't keep up and haven't felt inspired but i think i am getting back into the swing of things.

I think it’s important to do this project in your own personal way. I have felt a little disheartened with some of the things i have been reading on the forums. I don't think it is right for people to judge the way others use the 365project and assume that they are doing it wrong or for certain reasons. After all the majority of us do not know each other personally, so how can people assume they know what other people are thinking or why they choose to do the project?

I love doing this project and am feeling more positive again but my thoughts that i have written and what i have read on the site recently have gotten in the way of my own project with me having little desire to take a photo per day.

However have no fear! I’m not leaving! As i have said, this project is my project, and i am remembering why i chose to do it. It’s not to please others, it’s to please myself! As i am sure all of you know, you can get a little obsessed with the project and going on the site, but i have found going on holiday and this last week have helped me remember my reasons for joining.

The community is fantastic, the photos are great, and everybody is learning. But what makes it special is that it is a personal project for each individual person and that is what creates the diverse community.

You can’t judge a book by its cover, and i don’t think you can really judge a person by their photos alone. So i think that people should just enjoy doing their project and enjoy the community but try to remember your reasons for joining and staying true to yourself!!!

I just felt I needed to let my feelings and thoughts out. It is not directed at one person, it’s just my general view. It is also not to create controversy or debates or anything of the sort, far from it! It’s just a chance for me to express myself through words, as i haven’t been able to through pictures.
Thank you if you took the time to read it, and sorry if it doesn’t even make sense!!!!
August 14th, 2010
very intriguing.... same sentiments here katie, but will just keep it to myself..... (HUG) =)
August 14th, 2010
Katie, I think it's wonderful that you put your feelings and thoughts in words! I haven't been keeping up with discussion posts lately, but I completely agree that your project is what you want it to be! I enjoy the diversity and looking at everybody's photos brings me joy and inspiration every day! The 365 community is made up of amazing people and really talanted photographers and I am so happy to be part of it! We can only be thankful to Ross for giving us the opportunity to dociment our days and to connect in so many ways, crossing the boundaries of borders and time! I think Sue Roth put it best (thank you, Louise, for pointing this thread out): 365 - get involved and learn - photography and much much more! I feel the same way as Sue - I LOVE this site! Follow the link to read the whole thread: http://365project.org/discuss/general/1395/365-get-involved-and-learn-photography-and-much-much-more :-))
August 14th, 2010
thanks for the link slava!
August 14th, 2010
I agree. People should not judge other people on how they use their 365. I was in the beginning because I didn't have time to upload a picture one day so I uploaded an old photo and a person said I wasn't aloud to do that. We can do whatever we want with our own 365. (:
August 14th, 2010
it's always good to remember why we do things. :)
i am happy you are sticking with it and i look forward to seeing your photos :)
August 14th, 2010
I had a lot of the same feelings about some of the discussions taking place over the last couple of months. I'm glad you've been able to remind yourself not to listen to the people who like to get all sanctimonious about what is, and should be a *personal* project.

Keep up the great work!
August 14th, 2010
I completely agree, Katie... And thanks for posting, too!
August 14th, 2010
I agree, Katie, that we're each on our own personal journey here. The fact that the photos and captions are so diverse is what makes it interesting to me to follow. I appreciate reading a well-though-out comment and the whole makes for a nice visit to a site. Like you, I've had moments when I've felt more or less inspired, but this is, in the end, my own journal and if the community is enjoying it with me, it's an additional pleasure in the course of the day. We'd be less as a group without your art and photography, so I hope you'll find renewed pleasure in doing this for yourself and let us come along for the ride!
August 14th, 2010
I agree completely. We're not here to mimic one another, but to enjoy what others see and learn from them; at least that's what I feel. I sometimes feel like you do - I get overwhelmed and forget what it is I'm really doing but then I snap out of it quickly enough and resume with whatever it is I want to remember that day.
August 15th, 2010
This project is about each of us individually expressing ourselves. I am not about to judge others. I will comment on the images that are meaningful to me. The gatekeepers of what is right or wrong to do in our projects are people who display low quality.
August 15th, 2010
I second you Katie. Read every single word. Thank you for putting my OWN thoughts into the words I havnt been able to.
August 15th, 2010
Katie, I've had the same feelings lately. I need to work on getting back to taking pictures that I want to take, instead of taking pictures that I think others want to see.
August 15th, 2010
I agree too... and sometimes I have my slumps as well. I will go a few days without uploading but I always get caught up :)
August 15th, 2010
I've had the same sort of feelings about comments that have been said and it's upset me a bit because it seems to go against the grain of this being such an open and friendly community. I've had a pretty massive slump recently where my photos haven't been great and I've been filling in a lot of days, but it does seem to reflect my life generally. Think I'm on the way up again now. :-)
August 15th, 2010
Well said. I agree wholeheartedly and I personally make an effort to never judge, because we simply don't know what is going on in other's lives. Everyone is entitled to their own creativity and their own opinions, without being disparaged. WIth the diversity that is on this site, you also need to be aware of the difference in cultures. What is offensive in one culture isn't in another. I don't know if that has affected any of the things that have been going on, but it is something to keep in mind.
August 15th, 2010
I agree, I don't think that anyone should say anything about how someone chooses to do their 365 project. I think that its great to take pictures on a daily basis and I try to but some times I just don't have the time or I am not feeling like it. I don't want to stress myself out and then ruin my love for photography. I do post a picture everyday but there has been a few that were taken on different days that I posted them. No one should judge anyone for that. Its our very own thing and we should be able to do with it what we want.
August 16th, 2010
August 16th, 2010
August 16th, 2010
in my hometown we have a drugstore named "live & let live" ... it's more than a good name ;-p
August 16th, 2010
Katie, I agree with you. I think 99% of us believe in our free will to do this project whatever way we choose to ...and the other 1% are just unhappy people who have trouble seeing the positive side of anything. I'm glad you're staying with us. Good comment! Absolutely agree with Laura, "Live and Let Live."
August 16th, 2010
so true katie, but just keep doing what you are doing and don't let other get you down "Live, Love & Laugh"
365 Rocks in our own little way!
August 16th, 2010
well said katie
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