Help needed for sensor cleaning!

September 10th, 2012
365 ate my post!!!

I know there was a thread a while back about cleaning the sensor. It had great tips and what is useful etc and maybe even some links about "how to"?

I took some ICM shots today and on the lighter shots (sooc) you can make out spots... but when I adjust it and make it brighter... they are really noticeable. I've not noticed them before because I don't usually do longer exposure shots like needed for the ICM's.

Here are a couple of the shots... I think it might be oil? I've heard that can be an issue with Canons... can someone help me please :) If you view large you can really see... even in the pastel one.

September 10th, 2012
@ozziehoffy Cassandra, I successfully cleaned dust spots off my sensor using a Giottos Rocket air blower first, followed by a wipe with a Visible Dust swab (they have a solution suitable for oil smears too). There are loads of tutorials on the web, some of which make the process sound difficult, scary and fraught with danger. Maybe it was my naievity but to me it seemed to be a quick and simple process?
Remove the lens, lift the mirror up out of the way, use the blower, being careful not to touch the sensor. Apply a little fluid to the swab and do one wipe, side to side, in one movement. Throw away the swab. Repeat if neccessary using a fresh swab - done!
The blower came from a local shop, the swabs from Amazon. If you do buy some be sure to get the correct size for your sensor.
I'd say give it a go, if a clumsy muppet like me can manage it then it really can't be that difficult :)
September 10th, 2012
@bluefirebucket Thanks so much Mick! I do have the compressed air... but I did NOT know you had to lift the mirror... I will try that first and then take a test shot against white and see how much is gone... *fingers crossed* that is the worst of it.
September 10th, 2012
@ozziehoffy Cassandra, look in your menu for 'sensor cleaning' I use a 50D and it's under the 'spanner with two dots next to it' on that model, choose 'clean manually' :)
September 10th, 2012
@bluefirebucket Is that like the automatic cleaner that happens when you turn the camera on/off?
September 10th, 2012
@ozziehoffy When you select the option that Mick said it locks the mirrow in the up position for cleaning. Just make sure you have a fully charged battery, you don't want your battery to die and the mirror close while in the process of cleaning. I have cleaned mine on a 50D & my 7D no problem.
September 10th, 2012
Hello Cassandra. Here is a product that I use to clean my sensor. It does a great job and they also have a video that shows you how to do the cleaning. This is the company website, but their products are available on Amazon.
September 10th, 2012
@ozziehoffy It's under the same general menu heading - I then have three options 1. auto cleaning, 2. clean now, 3. clean manually.
I keep auto cleaning enabled so the camera self cleans each time I switch it off but this is not always100% effective, hence the other options :)
Sorry, forgot about the battery but Al is quite right @hollandcrew
September 10th, 2012
DO NOT USE compressed air that comes in a can! The rocket air blower @bluefirebucket is talking about is a rubber bulb with a tip that you squeeze to blow air into the sensor. Compressed air can cause freezing which can damage the sensor.
September 10th, 2012
Hi think you were thinking of this post perhaps?

Based on your shots it's time to clean!

First things first. Get yourself a good decent blower like a Giottos Rocket air blower and start with that. Hold the camera upside down with the power turned off (lock you mirror up etc before doing this). Based on the number of spots I'm seeing I think you'll have to do a more throughout cleaning with other tools.

Cleaning sensors it not difficult as long as you are careful and have some confidence. I clean mine a lot since I switch out lens frequently in the field. Just ask questions if you have some.

BTW, you can use this website for testing your camera

Just set your camera to f/22 on a tripod and focus on your monitor screen. Make sure your monitor is clean to begin with :) You can over the expose the shot some which will help bring out the spots. I use this website when the weather turns or it's late at night. It does work. make sure to fill the frame with the blue and zoom in a little.

If you have questions let me know...

September 10th, 2012
All good advice. Does your camera have a cleaning mode?
Be wary of aerosols they can leave liquid propellant on the sensor.
September 10th, 2012
Not so sure about sensors, but this is how I clean my lenses
September 11th, 2012
@monika64 Priceless! I might try that on the lens I dropped in the lake, it's got dirt in it.
September 11th, 2012
Cassandra, my camera is mirrorless and that means it gets crud on the sensor all the time - when you change the lens the sensor is totally exposed. I haven't needed anything more than a rocket blower to get dust off it so far though.
September 11th, 2012
@pizzaboy @monika64 LOL... thanks so much, Monika!!! Give it a go, Mick ;)

@hollandcrew Thanks so much, Al!!

@clarkafb_brat Awesome, thanks John!

@bluefirebucket Cool... found it :) I think I made it worse .... before I saw the compressed air thing (I didn't do a massive spray so it didn't freeze it... but now there is marks that weren't there but on the plus side.... a few of the others are gone lol... but ... oh I want to cry!!! I think I might take it to the local camera shop and get them to do it as I don't have the stuff I need... and that will give me time to get the stuff... it's bad and needs doing!

@brianl YES... that is the one!! Thank you! I couldn't find it! Thanks for the website, I shall try that later today :)

@lisjam1 Oh... I saw this AFTER... I didn't do a big blow of air... as in, I didn't fully depress the glad you mentioned this... will have to get all the necessary items... but I think I'll go to the camera shop so I can get this done asap instead of having to wait for stuff to arrive.

@godders Paul, it does... it cleans it every time you turn it on/off... but it needs help... I do a fair few lens changes too. Yeah... so I have now heard lol...bah!

@pizzaboy Where did you get your rocket blower? Camera store? Pity my Camera House voucher is for Canon... lol... wish it was whatever.
September 11th, 2012
Don't use canned compressed air!!! It often has more than just air. Use a blower to blow air through your brush, which you then pass over but without touching the sensor.
September 11th, 2012
Yeah, got the blower at a camera store, don't think they're expensive. Quick web search shows they're $10 on ebay or $21 in the shops.
September 11th, 2012
I took mine to a photo specialist shop they kept it for a day and sorted it for less than $60. I had a very annoying couple of black spots in every picture. Love my camera too much to risk cocking it up trying to do it myself, you are braver than I, good luck.
September 11th, 2012
@pizzaboy Got Andy to pick me one up from Camera House on his way home... $20. I'll try that... it also has a soft brush attached to the blower if you want to use it.... opinion on that? It's super soft.

@michellegaynor I asked my local store and they do a dry clean for $50... wet clean is $150 and sent away. I'll try the blower first and then I might get them to do a dry clean and get the stuff I need ... if I can watch him it would be great so I can learn... it does make me a bit nervous to try it lol.
September 11th, 2012
I think I'd try to reserve the brush for lenses but I really don't know what the risk of damaging a sensor is.
October 14th, 2012
Hi Cassandra! I am facing my fist sensor cleaning now and read your thread. Did cleaning it yourself work out or should I just go to the specialist now? The worst thing is to wait for it to be done, so it would be great to learn how to do it. And I don't now the price yet...
October 14th, 2012
@sassik Hey... I did the rocket blower, but I still do need to do a wet clean... just haven't got the stuff yet lol. Definitely try the blower yourself, that was easy! I've actually since read too... pop your camera on your tripod if you have one so you have both hands free, making it harder to drop or move whilst blowing air on it :)
October 14th, 2012
Using tripod is a great tip! Thanks! As I read some more, I suspect I have some oil droplets as my Canon is rather new and the nature of the spots matches with description of oil drops. So off to the specialist tomorrow and will see about the materials for future use... The rocket blower sounds like a great home remedy for dust :) Thanks!
October 14th, 2012
@sassik I suspect I have some oil drops too!! Canon also. Have you done the shot against a blue sky trick? Put your f stop to around 22 and shoot against the sky and it should show you spots/dust etc.
October 14th, 2012
The spots were well visible at my latest shots. Come to think of it - I did ICM with f/22, mostly blue and sunset long exposure with f/22 also lot of blue :) Now I now how to test if the cleaning guy does a good job :) - though he is highly recommended by the best photographers in Estonia (small community, so everyone knows him :)
October 14th, 2012
@sassik Yeah, I found mine by doing ICM too lol!! Which are the shots at the start of the thread. I was so sad lol. Although in some ways, looking at them now.. they could be mistaken as paint spots? haha. Do you have to leave the camera for a time or could he do it if arranged beforehand... for you to leave it one morning and pick it up later in the day?
October 14th, 2012
Not sure yet,but I sure hope so! I will find out tomorrow. The guy who suggested him uses him because he is the fastest in town(Tallinn), which makes it pretty much the fastest in country... LOL for the scale of thing in Estonia!
October 14th, 2012
@sassik lol good luck!
October 19th, 2012
Yey, clean sensor! It took 1h and cost 16€. And it was oil!!! Beats me how it got there... So I think it might be true, that the shutter system of Canon might emit tiny droplets of oil when new :(
October 20th, 2012
@sassik Oh awesome!! Yeah, I have heard that about them... I haven't had mine done yet lol.
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