Unexplainable Black and White Photos

October 12th, 2012
My daughter turned me on the this link. Clearly we are not adventurous enough or have enough props to compete here. I love a lot of these photos!

October 12th, 2012
What happened to #19? Or is that the most unexplainable of them all?
October 12th, 2012
@mikehamm You're obviously a lot more observant than I. I didn't look at the numbers, I just looked at the photos!
October 13th, 2012
@ptowncook I sell antique photography for a living, and this is a great sample of what we find. People entertained themselves in so many ways. You have to remember that photography was still a very new thing, and not economically available to the masses until the beginning of the 2oth century. You would surprised the crazy things. BTW, it was very common to photograph a dead relative in their coffin. Many wakes and visitations were in the home, and it was considered a respectful thing to do. The craziness, is like our social media feeds today!
October 13th, 2012
There's a whole lot of WTF in those pictures...haha
October 13th, 2012
The number 10 freaks me out ! The little boy look really scared !
Thanks for share
October 13th, 2012
October 13th, 2012
Oh wow! How amazing and terribly politically incorrect. Loved it!
October 13th, 2012
@welcometocarolworld My mom was an antique dealer. I collect morning jewelry and love the photo memorial jewelry. I lost a piece that I really loved. Still hurts. My brother-in-law grew up in a small town in Texas. His family always took photos of loved ones in the caskets or beds at home.
October 13th, 2012
@ptowncook so awesome....thanks for sharing....good to know people had a humor back then too ( or else some really strange stuff WAS going on.....lol)
October 13th, 2012
Check these out! Reading the book now that these are included in. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ransom-riggs/creepy-children-photos_b_1008759.html#s405653
October 13th, 2012
Those were great, the smoking toddler with the chicken was the kicker for me.
October 13th, 2012
October 13th, 2012
October 13th, 2012
@ptowncook Hi Laura - Did you see the explanations at the bottom of the pictures? I like #10. Hope you are well. Thanks for sharing.
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