So, where do we find 'proper' photography competitions?

October 25th, 2012
Following on from @monika64 's thread on competitions, does anyone enter competitions which don't require public votes (i.e. product promotions)? Can you give us any links?

I was so excited at coming second in our annual camera club competition that I've got a taste for it!

October 25th, 2012
PS - this is the photo that came second. It was such as buzz for me, I can't stop showing off!!

October 25th, 2012
Good question -- most of the not-likes ones I've seen have been, "pay $n per entry". Which just sets off my scam alarm
October 25th, 2012
@boogie - i've started entering BPE competitions, you have to pay to enter but its better than product stuff as you get qualifications if you get enough acceptances
October 25th, 2012
@kmrtn6 Thanks - I'll look into it :)
October 25th, 2012
I just entered a photo for the German National Geographic. They publish the top10 on their website each month and the top3 in the magazine. No prizes to win just fame ;)

Look for competions in your local papers and magazines.
October 25th, 2012
I posted several pics on the National Trust website as they had a competition recently for green spaces. I can't remember when the results will be posted and I don't expect to win anything as entries were really excellent but it did give me a chance to see what other people had done and there were categories for young people as well as adults. Check out the website
October 25th, 2012
This is a pretty good site. A lot of different competitions listed world wide and tells you if it is a "vote" or "juried" competition. Also lists the usage rights up front so you can quickly decide if it is worth it or not.
October 25th, 2012
Thanks - I will look into all of these :) @john244 @rosiekind @synke
October 25th, 2012
The local papers, and even the bigger state papers usually have some sort of photographic competition, I have won $100 voucher with this one

and a trip to a local theme park in the local paper with one of my sunset photos. :)
October 25th, 2012
@monika64 Lovely photo - I'll have a scan through :)
October 26th, 2012
Costco in Canada always has photo competitions...I have not tried one yet though.
October 26th, 2012
my local camera store runs one every month, also mum keeps sending me magazing clippings out of her art and textile magazines that run photo competitions :) also the d-photo magazine i used to get always used to run competitions too
October 26th, 2012
Check out
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