Can you suggest an effective way how to promote my facebook photography page?

December 1st, 2012
I was just wondering how to promote my page to new people - any ideas? Some of my friends have already liked it, as well as people from the 365 community. I also joined a group in Facebook (Locations & Networking for Photographers), where you can post the link and you can like people's websites and they can like yours, etc. Anyway, things are going slowly, so I would like to hear some suggestions from you .... besides those who click on the following :)
December 1st, 2012
I would try posting on Craigslist in your area town. See if that works. I think it will. Do you do photography for business?
December 1st, 2012
I think there are so many pages on Facebook that friends are a little overwhelmed. I personally always share my daily posts on my own facebook page. You already have a great number of followers here, and networking takes a lot of time. I have been in business for 25 years and it is always a challenge to improve networking results.
December 1st, 2012
@wilsonandstacie Thank you, Wilson. It's just a hobby at this point, but I really want to step ahead!
December 1st, 2012
@welcometocarolworld Thank you, Carol! Posting photos in my facebook page would be visible for the existing fans only, wouldn't it? Or am I wrong.. I think I don't get it :)
December 1st, 2012
Just keep on tweeting and emailing people. Get yourself your own domain and mention it there. That should get picked up by search engines better.
December 2nd, 2012
@velina My friends share my 365 posts with their friends. Just encourage them. Also, I use an open facebook profle, as I use it as a working network tool. Last week a customer at my antique store, purchased one of my small pics. She showed it to a friend, who took the time to search my smugmug pictures for the one she wanted. She emailed me and ordered some to be shipped to her. Results can come from anywhere.....I don't have time to Tweet....but I have an account.

It takes a lot of steps.....but they all lead forward!

December 2nd, 2012
... sorry, off topic, but every time I see "Wilson" I yell it in Tom Hanks voice (from Castaway)... probably just me :)
December 2nd, 2012
I've always wondered how effective a photo facebook page really is. I see many pop up and initially have a lot of activity then fade. What is your intention? Do you want to sell photos or do shoots (both)? I've recently got on 500px and the photos on that site are freaky incredible. The popular shots there are at really at another level. I think if you wanted to get recognized you need to consider sites like that, enter contests, etc. I have no intention of breaking into this biz but I encourage others to seek different ways to get noticed.
December 2nd, 2012
@grizzlysghost WILSONNN, I'M SORRY WILSON!

Incidentally I had to study that film for school... can't quite watch it any more without trying to over-analyse it... xD
December 2nd, 2012
@velina Just keep posting and encouraging people to like :) Maybe find and join facebook photography groups and mention your page there?

@brianl I use my page to raise awareness of my photos. I've had it open for almost a year now and it's going strong still - I get a few new likes each day :) I post new photos every few days, as well as links and updates about other things.
December 2nd, 2012
@pocketmouse OK awareness that makes sense. Funny I was just thinking about this post as I was shooting drops in the garage. I work in marketing related to technology so my gears churn when posts like this come up.
December 2nd, 2012
@grizzlysghost Aaron, it's not just you:) This name from Castaway is stuck in my mind, too :)

@pocketmouse Thank you, Teresa. I'm just little disappointed that when I made the page several months ago, I sent invitations to almost half of my friends on my list, and only 40-50% joined. I got more likes by people I don't know then. However, I guess it's good idea to join more facebook photography groups:)

@brianl Brian, I think I want to do both. Selling prints was my first thought several months ago. Now I want to upgrade my camera and lenses and start with photo shoots.
December 2nd, 2012
@velina Yeah, I got a lukewarm response from inviting friends too... I guess it's better when someone genuinely wants to like your page and follow your photography, hence why it's good to try and get into online photography circles. I actually find the people right here at 365 really supportive and encouraging in that way :)
December 2nd, 2012
@pocketmouse Yes, Tesesa, it's better when someone genuinely wants to like my page, I don't want fake followers :) I also think 365 community is really supportive and I love it here:)
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