Choosing a Photo.

September 1st, 2010
So, we've all had of those days when you have 2/3 photos that you love (and are often fairly similar) and you just can't choose which one to use for the day!!!

This hasn't been happening to me too often lately as I've been quite devoid of any inspiration...but in the last couple of days, it's happened twice!!!

So how do you choose when this happens? Do you ask people? Do you shut your eyes and wave your finger at one? Anyone got any tips? Thanks! :)
September 1st, 2010
It happens to me quite often (I can be quite crazy about shooting a lot!) I select many of them, then look at details and remove one by one. Sometimes I ask my husband when I really don't know or I keep looking at one, the other one, one, the other one etc until I get to choose (and I can always use the other ones on my blog...) or you can put all of them on Flirck or somewhere else.
September 1st, 2010
It happens to me all the time!!! I can never decide! Sometimes i have a favorite one and I know it will be my photo for the day from the moment I take it. But most times I edit a few shots and ask my husband to pick one! Usually we agree, but if we don't I go with my gut feeling or simply trust his ;-)
September 1st, 2010
Naomi, I like to narrow it down as far as I can, then walk away from them, chew on them in my mind for awhile, then go back and look at them again with my eyes. Inevitably the choice is easier the second time (okay, sometimes the third or fourth time:).
September 1st, 2010
it happens to me alot! yesterday it happened and i switched out my original shot for one that had more sentimental meaning to me. but that's because my project is about documenting my 30th year. otherwise there are times i couldn't choose, so i made a collage on and it turned out to my liking. here are some examples...

hope this helps! for what it means, i've loved the ones you've picked lately! best, andie
September 1st, 2010
i do ask--usually it's my hubby or one of my sons. but i also ask myself, "which shot is most indicative of the events or feelings of my day?" and try to think of what i want to remember from this day when i look back at my project. granted, this is probably only helpful if you (like me) are using this project in large part to chronicle your year. but still, it might be helpful to ask yourself which shot is the one you want to remember a year from now. (:
September 1st, 2010
I tend to go through the pictures quickly to narrow it down to one or two only. I generally ask myself one question; Does this best represent what I want to remember today? If I'm am choosing between two similar pictures then I look for the color, composition, and clarity. Even if I pick the wrong one, I can edit it to give me something usable. I've tried asking others how things look but mostly they just say it looks good. In the end it becomes a gut instinct that drives me to choose one or the other.
September 1st, 2010
A few times I have spent longer deliberating over which photo to choose than the shoot itself!

I can usually narrow it down to a few, but then it's the hard part. I think about the composition, first and foremost. For example, if it's a landscape, what has better foreground interest? Is the shot 'balanced'? And so on. I also note what my gut tells me is my best photo. It might not be everybody else's fave, but at least I know it's mine.
September 1st, 2010
I let my husband and/or daughter pick for me :-)
September 1st, 2010
maybe this is silly but what I do is put both pictures up on a page, side by side. Then I go to the kitchen, get a drink or a snack, scratch the cats, whatever. Then I go back to my computer and see which picture my eye goes to first. Voila, we have a winner. If all else fails, I let my hubby decide.
September 1st, 2010
I ask someone, normally Simon. If he's around, he normally inputs as I go along anyway, but if not I'll email him or send them over msn or something like that.
September 2nd, 2010
I usually ask my husband too. He is more likely to choose pics that reflect the day and feature the girls over my artistic attempts.
September 2nd, 2010
It happens to me all the time!
I usually go back and forth looking between them and then go do something else for a bit. After at least an hour or so I come back and look at all of them in a row. Whichever one catches my attention is the one I use!

I feel like it always always always helps to step away for a bit, especially if you're trying to decided right after processing them!
September 2nd, 2010
i get psyched out from looking at my own photos too much so i just minimise or close them or walk away and make tea or something and in half an hour or sometime when i have forgotten about them i open them both up , and see with fresh eyes and usually it is just obvious which one i like best, after not looking at them for a while.
September 3rd, 2010
I've had this, and sometimes think I've chosen the wrong shot in the end. Maybe it takes some time to look over them.

I've found sometimes on Flickr that shots I thought were poor got the interest, and good ones did not. It can be hard to tell some times which will work.
September 4th, 2010
Thanks everyone! It seems like coming back to it seems to be a favourite! I'll have to try it :)
September 4th, 2010
I think you also have to decide what your goal is for the project. Are you trying to chronicle your life, all of it, the good the bad and the ugly? Then you want to pick something that shows a more real picture that is representative of what happened that day. Are you trying to improve your photography skills? Then you are looking for photos that have good composition, color, balance, mood, etc. Are you trying to present a favorable impression of yourself or want to show the beautiful things around you? Then you want the one where you are smiling and the place looks clean, and you are someplace nice. Are you trying to be on the popular page? Then you want something eye-catching, with good photography. Are you trying to be more artistic? Then you want something edgy, something more artistic.

I have a hard time choosing what photos to take, and then which ones to choose, because I think my goals vary day by day.
September 6th, 2010
I have a facebook album dedicated to the shots that I didn't choose for the project so it makes it easier to choose frankly. I love to share my work so it works out in the end. I like to pick the most unique and appealing image if I have a few I love, or whichever goes best with the weeks theme if applicable.
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