Uploading pictures from mobile site.. Need help.

January 3rd, 2013
I just started my first 365 Project (so excited! Happy to follow people back!)...

I'm using my Samsung Galaxy S3 for all photos (so far). Since I couldn't find an app, I'm using my Dolphin browser for this site. I was able to upload one photoI since the "you" page said "you have no photos, upload one to get started." However, now I cannot get to the upload page. When I click "you" at the top menu, I see the upload picture link but I can't click it because clicking 'you' makes the you page load again before I can click the upload option.

Does anyone else have this issue? More importantly, can anyone give advice on this? I'm ready to upload my Day 2 photo!

January 3rd, 2013
as far as I can see, the upload button is separate, right next to "you"?
January 3rd, 2013
I don't see that on the mobile site.

However, I fixed the issue.

If anyone else has this problem, just go to http://365project.org

January 3rd, 2013
Whoops. I messed that up. The link works but the address is 365project.org/upload going to bookmark it!
January 3rd, 2013
You can also email your photos. On the upload page there is an email address that you can use. You then have to go to the upload pg to add a description and pick the date and album.
January 3rd, 2013
Thanks, @egad!
January 3rd, 2013
On my phone I sort of hold down 'You' for a second and swipe down a little and the menu comes up and you can then click upload from there.
January 3rd, 2013
That totally works, @mizikei20.. Love that idea. Thanks!!!
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