Your photography plans for 2013

January 19th, 2013
Hello lovely people! =)

Since its still beginning of new year, I wanted to know who has some photography related plans for 2013?

Being here, looking at pictures from all around the world and absolutely different points of view on any given subject is very inspirational. So I have a little notebook, where I write all the ideas I wanna try, such as:

- Taking picture of rail tracks
- Taking more hight-key, low key pictures
- Taking more outside of the house pictures
- Making at least one HDR photo
- Making an infrared picture
- Peonies! I want to take picture of peonies!
- Practice more in b&w photography
- Oh, oh! And the one Im particularly excited about!!! I think that I want to do some self portrait related project, maybe not 365, but still long, time-wise, I have quite a lot of ideas already and just need to start! =)) So make sure to look for that one! =)) Did I say that??? =))) ah well =))

So what are your ideas and goals in photography? =)

January 19th, 2013
To take photos I like and be able to look back and say that was fun :)
January 19th, 2013
To take more macro shots and to be more adventurous, think outside the box!
January 19th, 2013
ha ha ha... Love your work....

For me it is about changing my photography business so that I am ore teaching. what does that mean for the project?

It means that the photo I will be taking will have a purpose that I can explain how I took the shot and importantly how the lighting was for that shot.

So I guess my plans are to have photos that educate people.
January 19th, 2013
For me it is to capture my life thoughts and ideas for 2013. Though photography with illustration........ whether thats a quick scribble or a detailed drawing.
January 19th, 2013
For me it's about becoming a photographer. I've been a graphic design since graduating 30 years ago. A year ago my partner and I moved from big city Sydney to a cottage by a lake surrounded by mountains on the South Isaland of New Zealand.

I've always had a passion for landscape and for photography. A couple of years ago I discovered the work of Alex Stoddard on Flickr. His 365 Day project on Flickr opened up a whole new window on landscape photography for me. Starting his project as a teenager, with little knowledge of photography, his creative approach to landscape and photgraphy made him, in a short time, lauded around the world.

Like Alex, I'm in this to practise, to push myself and to share with a community of like minded people.

I look forward to the year ahead.

January 19th, 2013
I want to be more creative and avoid bland touristy shots. I want to develop the courage to take street photos especially in my own neighbourhood.
January 19th, 2013
Just to keep snapping away.
January 19th, 2013
To learn to play my camera like a musical instrument
To stop and capture moments rather than pass them by
To not worry about being judged
To balance the variety
To have photography be a catalyst for a change in my life
To have fun
January 19th, 2013
@corinthiantheunwise I tried to look up Alex Stoddard on Flickr but his photos were not available to me?
January 19th, 2013
@squamloon Totally agree!

I am looking to learn. This is why I joined this site. I want to learn how to use my camera to it's full potential. I want to change the way I see things. I don't want to miss any opportunities along the way so will be taking my camera everywhere. I want to have fun.

I feel really grateful to have found this site. My friend and I, although we are already close like sisters, have really bonded through the 365 experience. I can't wait to look back on my year and (hopefully) see myself step up from just snapping a picture to taking beautiful photographs. I really enjoy looking at everyone's work, so thank you for sharing your photographs and you view of the world with us. :)
January 19th, 2013
I want to finish my photography course, get a DSLR and just get better in general :-)
January 19th, 2013
not sure
just taking this one thing at a time really and hoping to learn how to use my camera

there are a few things I want to do though:
water droplets
bulb exposure of a water fall

I probably need a bucket list but at this point I don't know what I don't know
January 19th, 2013
I'm going to be trying more street/people photography. This ought to be interesting.
January 19th, 2013
@tammeray @chris17 @dannywindsor @kjarn @squamloon @gemtumble thank you for your replies guys and girls you are awesome!
And good luck with all these plans and ideas! =))
January 19th, 2013
@agima so I guess with the tutorial you've posted today for test, you halfway there =)) well done, Brendan!
January 19th, 2013
@corinthiantheunwise Mart, I wish you all the luck but most importantly determination, im sure you will be great =)
January 19th, 2013
@teachntravel ah yeah, street photography, definitely in my list as well, dread it at the moment =))
January 19th, 2013
@jojos2 aye, the best camera is the one with you, right? =))
January 19th, 2013
@aponi oh yeah, smoke and water droplets! definitely adding those as well =) Thank you, Kathryn!
January 19th, 2013
My plans for this year are to learn how to use my camera more by trying new things. Ideally I would really like to become a better photographer. There are so many things I would like to try or try again and I am grateful to this site for providing the inspiration and the opportunity to learn with a very friendly atmosphere. One good thing is I have a whole year in my project to work on it... :) Even then it does not end.

PS - my bucket list is huge. :)
January 19th, 2013
@mariyakey I too have a notebook where I jot down things I want to take pictures. It also includes how to's on some things that I have learned, and what I have done with some others.
January 19th, 2013
To think outside the box. Be more aware of my surroundings and appreciate the little things that make wonderful pictures.
January 19th, 2013
@heidit very well thought plan, Heidi! learning camera controls oh this is top priority for me as well, cos at the moment I have a feeling that its the camera is the owner, not me=)))
January 19th, 2013
@rfamily im sure this will soon become a second nature, Michelle =)
January 19th, 2013
This year I hope to learn a lot about photography by myself and with some help and inspiration of this site ofcourse.
I'm saving for a nice camera and hope to buy it soon, for now I'm using a small, simple digital camera.
.I definatly hope to take some selfies, as I always hate it when my picture is taken. I need to get over it.
The idea about the notebook sounds great, I think I'm going to try that too!

January 19th, 2013
I'm going to create my photography bucket-list (only hot air balloon listed so far). Also there will be a blacklist for cliche shots I am trying to avoid - no photos of keyboards, coffee-cups, door keys etc. I hope that taking photos daily will open up my imagination and makes me more creative in general =)
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