Get Pushed Help

January 21st, 2013
Hi Everyone,

My 'Get Pushed' partner has challenged me to.....

Set up a still life or flower indoors that has light background to create a high key effect.....

Ive checked out utube and ive googled but most involve extra lighting.. Im still very new to all this and i would like to do a good photo for my challenge... Im hoping that i would be able to get some advice on how to go about getting a good shot without buying any more equipment..

Thanks in advance for any help

January 21st, 2013
I just did a high key flower shot today using my window as the backdrop. It was in the afternoon at a time when the sun was illuminating the blinds. That was the only lighting I used.
January 21st, 2013
for some of my kitchen art/still life I used a science fair tri-fold board (available at most drug stores for less than $10) and my speedlight or natural light bounced back onto the board to get a clean background with even lighting.

You can see samples on my project calendar, they all were taken the first week of January. :)
January 21st, 2013
What about on a table with a table lamp, minus the shade below it? Could you use aluminum foil to reflect and direct the light up towards the subject?
I'm not much help because I don't have any experience with this, but that's how I'd attempt it........
January 21st, 2013
Do you normally shoot on auto mode?
January 21st, 2013
a couple other things to try... if you have a tripod, try overexposing a bit (basically leaving the shutter open longer) to max out on the light...... also, if you shoot RAW at all, i think it makes it a bit easier to boost the exposure in post processing without totally killing the shot...
January 21st, 2013
Thank you for all if the suggestions.. I will give them a go and see what happens..
I try to go as manual as I can.. I'm still learning my camera so I am doing a lit of trial and error...
I've not shot in raw before but ill try that as well..
Thank you all so much
January 21st, 2013
So i tried a few suggestions and this is my first attempt... Please feel free to give advice... It is SOOTC as i am in transit and have no computer to play around with editing...

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