Santa Maria nightclub fire

February 1st, 2013
I guess most of you are aware by now of the Santa Maria nightclub fire that happened a few days ago here in Brazil.

I am writing in a plea for a more respectful photography.
Journalism, specially brazilian, is very invasive. You can read about it here

He is right. It's not fair or respectful to put a camera in the face of a mother who is mourning a son unless you have her consent. I agree that you can help by shocking other people when you show pain and suffering. That take people out of their comfort zones and people send help. But for Christ sake, at least use a tele.

That's one of the reasons i like the Boston's Big Picture site.
They do precisely that. Big, beautifully taken pictures, yet, respectful.
February 1st, 2013
You're absolutely right. Photo journalism should keep the respect for those going through the tragedy. My heart goes to them.
February 1st, 2013
I have read both your links and I am appalled at the first article's information. I cannot imagine in UK any paper carrying cartoons like this, and although our press can be invasive I don't think to this extent. I agree the second article shows 'respectful' photos, still terrible for those who have lost close ones. Thanks for bringing this event and its consequences to our attention.
February 1st, 2013
Como futuro jornalista e - espero que - fotojornalista posso dizer com certeza que me sinto enojado com a forma como praticamente todos os meios de comunicação vem explorando o assunto.
O jornalista tem a função de informar, relatar o que acontece, mas é totalmente dispensável os apresentadores emocionados, chorosos dizendo que sentem na pele isso e sugando a dor e tristeza das pessoas próximas às vítimas para angariar audiênca para seus programas.
Hoje faz quase uma semana desde que a tragédia se abateu sobre aqueles jovens e o assunto já não rende mais tanto - salvo um ou outro boletim a respeito de outra morte - como rendia ontem. Os programas agora se focam na caça a bruxa que será realizada em busca de um bode expiatório, alguém ou algo a ser culpado e quanto aos mortos de domingo, bem, isso já era. Não vende mais.

Gabriel, se você tiver tempo e paciência, eu pediria por gentileza que traduzisse isso para o inglês.
February 1st, 2013
Matheus asked if i could translate his text.
All grammar mistakes that this may have are mine, not his.
Here it is:


As a future journalist and - i hope - photojournalist, i can say for sure that i feel ashamed with the way in which most mass media news are exposing this subject.

A journalist has the function of inform, portray what happens, but the emotive reporters are totally dispensable, saying they feel this on their skins, drawing pain and sadness of people close to the victims to gather more views for their shows.

It has been a week since the tragedy was inflicted upon those teenagers and today the topic isn't so interesting to them - except on some report of another death - as it was yesterday. The broadcasters now focus the witch hunting that will be realized in the search for who to blame, a scape goat. About the deaths of sunday, they are gone. They no longer sell newspapers.
February 1st, 2013
Muito obrigado Gabriel.
February 1st, 2013
I guess you missed the Scarfe cartoon published by the Sunday Times on Holocaust memorial day then?

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