Tagging photos

March 12th, 2013
Hey everyone! Had a quick question. Even thought im no pro by any means yet with my photos. Would it or should i think about tagging my photos?

I know there arent great :) but i thought i can still leave my finger print on it just to have it on there.

What do you think? Is that too much. your honest opinion is much appreciated!

March 12th, 2013
I, for on did, when I first started. The people who saw them really gave mr good suggestions on how to improve or just how good they were!

But its all up to you! This is your project, do what you want with it!
March 12th, 2013
@centermd When i meant tagging i should have said. a watermark of your name or company if you had one.
March 12th, 2013
Silly me! :D

March 12th, 2013
@centermd No problem. I wasnt clear with my question :)
March 12th, 2013
But I think you should... your work is bound to get better! :)
March 12th, 2013
@centermd Thanks. :)
March 12th, 2013
watermarking has been a very heated topic in various discussions. Some are heavily for it and some against. I'm sure you can search the discussion topic and find many opinions. I've seen some really good watermarks that don't take away from the image, and I've seen some that are really distracting that I think diminish the photo itself. What it all comes down to is a matter of personal taste.
March 12th, 2013
Watermarks are one of those things that are really up to the individual, and there have been a few discussions on to have or not to have. http://365project.org/search/discussions?q=Watermarks
I used on when I first started, but got tired of making a copy of everything, as I didn't want my watermark on any that I printed.
There is some interesting reading in the discussions.
March 12th, 2013
Thank you @onie Ill check it all out.
March 13th, 2013
Some pictures of mine are watermarked, others not. If I am in the mood to play and edit I usually do; if I'm posting SOOC, I don't bother. Also, if you post anything that is very personal, you will likely want to - just to ensure it doesn't end up someplace else with another name on it.
...just my opinion...
Welcome to 365!
March 13th, 2013
@eyeseeu Thanks for your opinion. If i did put anything on mine it would be very minimal. as its not really to stop anyone from stealing because we all know anyone with decent image editing skills can remove it.
March 13th, 2013
I don't watermark as a personal preference and I don't object to others doing it. I know there is the risk you image will be stolen and the orphan works legislation going through the EU is frightening but I always keep the source images in Raw format and the .psd (Photoshop) with all the layers and history should it ever come to a dispute over ownership. I also include copyright details in the meta data thought hat can easily be stripped out.
March 13th, 2013
Thanks @davidgnc I know i have added meta data to my shots but i read someone that it can be removed. But it was just more for signing my images as mine. You being proud of my work. Even thought its not the best but im still proud :)
March 13th, 2013
@onie that's why I stopped.... 2 copies of every photo got tiring LOL
March 13th, 2013
March 13th, 2013
@jsw0109 Oh come on now... it's cos you started taking shots of Bobbleheads!!! :P
March 13th, 2013
In my opinion, you shouldn't put a biiig watermark, but you can put small one. If someones want to steal your shots, will do, with or without watermark, it's easy to remove even the biggest watermark (well, the ones that let see the picture in a proper way xD).
Sometimes I sign my shots in a small way in the corner, but only in my Flickr shots, not here
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