Scott Kelby’s “Photographers That Inspire Me”

September 17th, 2010
Everyone has their own idea of what they like in the world of photography but there are really only a handful of elite photographers in the world who really stand out above them all.

"Scott Kelby, among other things, is a photographer, teacher, Photoshop pro and founder of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. As a dominating force in the industry, we were thrilled to get the chance to sit down and interview him a few weeks back. When we spoke, I asked Kelby who inspired him as a photographer. He mentioned many awe-inspiring artists including Moose Peterson, Jay Maisel, Jeremy Cowart and Dave Black. Below, Kelby takes the time to tell us about several more photographers he looks up to, and why you should too."
September 17th, 2010
Thank you. I love Scott Kelby and I own several of his books. I'm off to read the article now.
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