My photos don't show up on browse by day

May 26th, 2013
I was wondering if anyone could tell me why this happens. My photos hardly ever show up on the browse by day. The only reason I can think of why is that sometimes I upload them with the wrong date, and edit and change them later, but that is rare. I seem to never see my photos come up on the daily boards.

Are we not able to see our photos when we browse, or something like that?
May 26th, 2013
There are several pages for each day, to scroll through them you need to do the page thingy at the bottom - the arrows at the side take you from day to day.
May 26th, 2013
@ingrid2101 I've been through all the pages, and still see nothing. That's happened on several days as far as I can tell.
May 26th, 2013
I agree with Paul. I will see mine for a few minutes and they disappear. I can never find them on the various day pages. Just drop from sight. I was curious also.
May 26th, 2013
mmmm, I think they change position by popularity, Paul for 25th May go to page 19, 3 across from left and 4 down :)
May 26th, 2013
Some examples of photos that don't show up would be good, so we can see if there's anything different about them.
May 26th, 2013
Interesting. My post from yesterday showed up but my post from today did not. I wonder if its a time difference thing? @abirkill
May 26th, 2013
I noticed the same thing, I thought it was just me lol.
May 26th, 2013
@k1w1 This one?

May 27th, 2013
@abirkill yep but it was not there before. I'm pretty sure the moon shot and the lady in red were beside each other cause I looked at the moon shot for the data :)
May 27th, 2013
@k1w1 They move around regularly as they are ordered by popularity, so today's photos will jump around quite a lot. It should be there, just not necessarily always in the same place.

It's possible it might take a few minutes for a photo to show up after it's been uploaded, it depends how often the page updates.
May 27th, 2013
New tool:

(These get more and more esoteric...)
May 27th, 2013
@abirkill I see. I don't often use that feature and this discussion made me really look. Now I've learned something. Thanks :)
May 27th, 2013
@abirkill I used the tool and couldn't even find my username in the list so I am assuming none of my photos are there. I looked up pfassett, and nothing.
May 27th, 2013
So here's what I noticed. The photos will only sort themselves by the date that was used when they were uploaded, so even if you change it later after it's uploaded it still shows up on the original date.
May 27th, 2013
@pfassett I just checked your most recent 8 photos and they all show up correctly on the Browse By Day page on the date you've selected to upload them to. It wouldn't surprise me if changing the date of a photo caused it to at least temporarily show under the old date, but I'm not seeing that happen with your recent photos.
May 27th, 2013
Okay. I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if I ever see the error again. I could of sworn this pic:

Was set to the 26th, which is today. I guess not.
May 27th, 2013
It looks like there are definitely some delays in the current day's Browse by Day page updating -- it says there are 22 pages of photos, but it's been saying that for a good two or three hours (and it's not reasonable to assume no new photos have been uploaded with today's date in that time).

I'm guessing there's probably a batch process that updates the page and it doesn't update as frequently as one might hope, so it seems quite likely, based on the evidence, that photos take a few hours after upload to show up on the Browse by Day page. This could well also cause an update to a photo's date to take a few hours to show, as well. This might explain the issues that people are seeing.
May 27th, 2013
This happens to me as well. Sometimes I have to wait until the next morning to find them. It is, as others have said, done by some kind of ranking. A photo that you've just uploaded is rarely there.
May 27th, 2013
I have never looked actually. Ooops. I guess i trust its working really
May 27th, 2013
Ive had a feeling this has been happening to me for a while,I posted my photo about 3 hours ago and it must have got posted because someone commented on it that i have never heard of and when i tried to look for it theres nothing there.Anyone know whats going on?Thank you.
May 27th, 2013
I've uploaded four photos so far on different days. They appear in my project thingy, but nowhere else that I can see. I've done searches on tags, days, latest. They just seem to have sunk without a trace. If I can't see them, presumably no one else can either; sort of defeats the whole object of the exercise. I wonder how many drop out at this point feeling disillusioned?
May 27th, 2013
@live365 Three out of your four photos appear on the appropriate Browse by Day page (your latest doesn't seem to, but if you've only recently uploaded it, it seems to take a while). All of your photos show up under the tags you've given them. All of your photos would have shown up on the 'latest' page, but there are so many photos uploaded that any one shot usually only stays on there for less than 10 minutes.

You are, however, not following anyone and haven't fav'd anyone else's photographs. Like any social network, you generally need to put in some time to follow people, comment on their photos, encourage them, and so on, if you want strangers to do the same to you. When you do this you'll find a lot of people will reciprocate and encourage you -- the community on this site is amazing, but you need to participate to get the benefit.

If you simply upload photos here and do nothing else, you have to be a pretty outstanding photographer to get noticed -- there are about 2,700 photos uploaded to the site every day, and without having any followers (which you get most easily by commenting and following others), your daily photo will all too easily disappear under ~2,699 others.
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