Lightroom Help

June 6th, 2013
Hi everyone...

I just need some help with this... I need to save some files with this criteria...

3. 2400 pixels on widest side
4. Saved as a jpeg format at 72 dpi
5. Compression level 5

Number 3 and 4 are fine... but how do I do number 5 in LR?

Thanks muchly!!!
June 6th, 2013
I believe you are looking for the quality slide bar under file settings. It goes from 0-100 so I guess a 50 would be considered 5. Maybe someone else will chime in with more info.
June 6th, 2013
@ozziehoffy, yep @hollandcrew is correct. Although since PS goes from 1 - 12, then 5 would be closer to 42. That said, I wouldnt recommend dropping below 70
June 6th, 2013
@toast @hollandcrew Yes and Yes. However, I'd suggest 80% be the floor with Lightroom and jpeg with a 2400 widest side image if your doing web/internet viewing. You may be wanting to drop to "level 5" for protecting your images online, but keeping them at 70-80 is fine since making the pictures larger or printing them just doesn't look good, but they are fine for on-line viewing.
June 6th, 2013
@toast Turns out that LR /also/ goes from 1-12.

Compression level 5, IIRC, means 1:5 compression ratio... I've yet to find you that actually maps onto the slider though... Adobe's documentation is a bit, erm, sparse.
June 6th, 2013
@hollandcrew @toast @mikegifford @intymalcolm

Thank you all so much! I thought it would be that. I don't usually drop them down that far. It's a requirement for a competition. I'm guessing they want small sizes for a reason. Inty, I'll check that out tomorrow when I'm on the computer :)
June 7th, 2013
@intymalcolm Many thanks for that article.. interesting how adobe handles this - i'm guessing they've kind of just "dumbed down" the interface for the consumer
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