Times when you wish you had your camera ready

June 18th, 2013
I've had a few of these moments over the last week and thought it would be interesting to share moments where the perfect photo is right in front of you but you either don't have your camera with you or the moment passes too fast to get a shot.

Last week I was walking past the local cafe and there was a group of around eight women sitting around a table on the terrace with lots of cake and tea. They were all dressed in long purple coats and were wearing big red hats. It was quite a sight - certainly one where you need to do a double take to believe your eyes! It was the perfect opportunity to get some 'street' shots but unfortunately I'd left my camera at home.

A few days later I was walking around the local park and came across a bird sitting on a tree beside a river. I thought 'how pretty' so started snapping away. I decided to change some settings on my camera and just as I did, the bird dived down into the reeds, caught a frog and flew straight past me! I was so annoyed with myself for not catching it!

After my disappointment and anger at myself for not being prepared, I figured this discussion could act as a form of 'therapy' for those moments when you really wish you had your camera ready...
June 18th, 2013
There are always going to be times when "the moment" happens and you are not ready, that is photography! I now take a bridge camera to work every day just in case! and it does come in handy. All you can do is try to anticipate a great shot and be ready!
June 18th, 2013
Twice recently. The other day when a woodpecker was feeding its baby on the bird feeder about 10 feet from where I was sitting. My camera was about 8 feet away in the opposite direction but I couldn't move to get it because they would have been off.

Also a couple of weeks ago an elderly pair of twins who live in our village were standing outside their house eating enormous ice cream cornets while leaning on their walking frames. I did have my camera around my neck but not courage to ask for a photo - still kicking myself now.
June 18th, 2013
Oh I have one...

As a professional event and portrait photographer I generall have my camera with me when attending events even if they are for personal reasons.

My daughter was in a end of year play (she has drama lessons) and so I wanted to be present for her instead of looking for the shot, I decided to take my camera gear out of my car - I keep it in there as I also do photojournalistic photograpy and sell them to the news agency so you never know when you need a camera.... anyway not 2 minutes into the show the MC applogised that they normally have a professional photographer there but they were unable to make it....

I looked at my wife, she looked at me.... and I am sure we both throught the same thing.

Me:- I knew I should of left my camera gear in the car.

Her:- Oh now, now he is going to carry his camera with him more than he does now.

Lets just say at the end I approached the MC, gave her my card and mentioned that I would be happy to give them a discount if my daughter was actually in the performances...
June 18th, 2013
That is called in my mind the law of sod. However if you have a mobile phone with you that has a camera then you should be OK.
June 18th, 2013
This is why I always have my smart phone with me, the camera is so useful and the quality is surprising and it's so much lighter compared to the Canon.
June 18th, 2013
@catilou The red hat ladies meet regularly. You will find them again. You might be able to google their group and find out where their next tea is.
June 18th, 2013
This is exactly why we carry our cameras, everywhere. And when we don't, we take notice and kick ourselves for not having it with us. UGH! Moments come and go and there is nothing we can do about it except accept that they happen and move on. Our priorities in life must be to live it. Photography isn't our life but a part of it. So, don't waste a minute of your life regretting what you have no control over because moments come and go and there will be plenty of other opportunities on the horizon.
June 18th, 2013
@welcometocarolworld I thought that rang a bell! It's from the poem with the line: 'when I grow old I shall wear purple' I can remember the illustration of the woman in my poetry book when I was a kid. I've just looked up the local 'red hatters' website. I may have to make an appearance at their next outing! Thanks for that! :-)
June 18th, 2013
@catilou I drove thru a small town in Illinois one day (without time to stop). The red hat ladies were on an outing. There were throngs of them window shopping downtown. It was crazy.
June 18th, 2013
There are a lot of times when I'm out running and I see something I wish I had a picture of but I just can't carry any sort of camera and run.
June 18th, 2013
This was part of the story that went with my shot for the 12th June....

"There is a much more exciting story than goes with this pic. As I was typing the tags below next doors' alarm went off. I jumped up and ran down the lane to check she was okay.....she answered the door in a proper dither, the smoke alarm was going off...no smoke. We took it apart to discover it was full of ants, and as we were assessing what to do I noticed the errr...fire appliance approaching!! Ran home grabbed the camera....got back to Ann's by which time the wonderful firemen were boots off in her hall vacuuming and sweeping up all the creepy crawlies. Too good a shot to miss.

The memory card was in the back of the pc.......for this now rather boring flower! No firemen or fire appliance shot for me today! :0("

Things I learned.....Never ever be without a camera OR a memory card...
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