A class on Lensbaby.

July 7th, 2013
My Dear friend Carrie @carolinejensen is teaching a class about learning your LB. Thought Id pass this along to you.

I have a breakout session through Clickin Moms and Click Magazine in July. A breakout session is a downloadable, self study course. I am one of three presenters for this course. I will be covering emotive portraiture and macro, another lady is doing zone plate/pin hole, fine art, and the other woman is covering using Lensbaby for portrait sessions and using Lensbabies for client work. The course consists of three large PDFs (mine alone is almost 100 pages) and three videos as well as three half-hour question and answer audios.


If you like my Facebook page, I can keep you updated on when the course is being promoted: https://www.facebook.com/lovestandsstill?ref=hl

my website: www.lovestandsstill.com
my flickr portfolio: http://www.flickr.com/photos/carolinejphotography/sets/72157633558267183/
July 7th, 2013
@carolinejensen I shared your info. =D
July 9th, 2013
Thank you so much, @aprilmilani! I am so excited about this!
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