Canon 50mm lenses - help me choose!

July 25th, 2013
I have the 1.8 already, which I've enjoyed very much. The time has come to upgrade though and I'm a bit undecided between the 1.4 and 1.2. I don't really have the extra $ for the 1.2, but I'm wondering if I'll regret scrimping later on...
I've been reading reviews etc but I'd love to hear from real people.
I use a 6D.
All help much appreciated!
July 25th, 2013
A funny situation I reckon, the 1.8 is pretty good, but i'm attracted to the better build quality of the 1.4 - not to mention the extra 2/3 stop of light it lets in.

I wouldn't say I'm a massive fan of the noise the 1.8 makes when focussing, and the lack of a full time manual override is somewhat annoying.

I'm also not sure if it's just my 1.8 - but I find the bokeh a little 'not as round as it could be' you get further towards the edges of the frame.

As for the 1.2 - it is a BEAUTIFUL lens...never had the chance to play with one, but it looks stunning - it's so big and heavy, and having only touched one it had a real feel of quality.

Does it justify the cost? - tough one....I don't even think it's a full stop brighter than the 1.4 either - but would be at least a stop brighter than the 1.8 I should think.

I love watching DigitalRev/ThatNikonGuy and reading articles from places like KenRockwell or DPReview for more technical stuff.

I'm still tempted by the 1.4 - because it's not that expensive (around $340 aud shipped from memory)...affordable. The 1.2 I think is near $1200 or something...scary!

Plus, I've always thought it would be nice to own the 85mm 1.2 too - but...I figure if I don't own the 1.2's of either I could afford both of the 1.4 versions and probably a decent macro lens for less coin than just 1 of the 1.2's.

Dillemma! - good luck with whatever you decide though :D

I didn't help much did I - hehe! :P
July 25th, 2013
I have a 50mm 1.4 and its my favorite lens! Its really great for taking portraits :]
July 25th, 2013
I have the 1.4 and it's a nice lens.
A photographer friend of mine just got the Sigma 1.4 and she is loving it. Supposedly it is better than the Canon. I have no idea if that is true, but you might research it.
July 25th, 2013
after my 1.8 got broken I upgraded to the 1.4 and it has been a great lens so far and quite a lot better than my 1.8 was - even though I was very happy with the 1.8 until it got broken :)
July 25th, 2013
I have the 1.2 and it's an excellent lens (but pretty finicky wide open). I've tagged all of my shots taken at f/1.2 here:

That said, using this lens at 1.2 is pretty tricky and not always favorable. I'm very pleased with the results I can get, but often there is unacceptable softness or CA that is annoying.

I have a 1.4 with my Olympus E-PL5 that is simply fantastic, and another half-dozen 1.4 mechanical lenses, so my 1.2 is now sitting on ebay waiting for a new home!

So my advice; go with the 1.4! :)
July 25th, 2013
Going from the 1.8 to the 1.4 will be a huge wonderful change. Save the $$$. @grizzlysghost said it very well.
July 25th, 2013
I love my sigma 30mm 1.4 like @paula365 said
July 25th, 2013
Love my Canon 1.4 on my new full frame! IN fact, I have it on my camera almost always and am using my big and heavy zooms less these days. Hardly ever used it on my cropped T3i because it covers too small an area most times for general use.

My 85mm 1.2 is too "finicky" as @grizzlysghost describes, and I'm not advanced enough to use it well. My husband bought it for me for a surprise birthday present (it was a big birthday) and I'm hoping to grow into it some day.
July 25th, 2013
When I was still in the Canon system (7D) I got some beautiful shots with the 50mm 1.4 lens. I now have the micro 4/3 Olympus system. Much smaller and easier to carry around and gets shots as great as the 7D.

Here's a shot I got with that lens.
July 25th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Aaron knows what he's talking about and I agree. I think the 1.4 represents the best compromise of value against results.

I'd say get the 1.4, and don't look back!
July 25th, 2013
I have the 1.2, and I highly recommend it. I very rarely use that wide an aperture, but on the very rare occasions when I do, I'm glad I didn't go with the 1.4.
July 27th, 2013
@eb2 @nimi @paula365 @cazink @grizzlysghost @aprilmilani @jyokota @gizathecat @tomo87 @kannafoot Thankyou all for your advice - very much appreciated. I had pretty much decided on the 1.4 when my electricity bill arrived and the 1.4 became my only choice! I've only had a little go with the 1,4 today, but I think I'm going to enjoy it a lot and use it frequently :-)
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