High or Fast Shutter Speed Photography - Technique challenge

July 30th, 2013
I'm updating this discussion.
I've decided to host it myself but would love input from anyone with good experience in this technique. This can be a really fun challenge since it could be fruit or object splashes, exploding items (dont' get hurt now), crowns, sports, paint design splashes, etc. Please participate!

I plan to post the next Technique challenge as fast/high speed photography. I'm not an expert. I've been able to freeze motion, action, get crowns, splashes, etc. but I've never done the balloon pop successfully etc. I would love the challenge to challenge those who really want to try something hard and yet have options for the newbies in photography as well. It could use special expensive equipment or hardly any special equipment at all.

I would be willing to host the challenge OR perhaps someone is more experienced with high/fast speed photography could host it for me OR someone with more experience in this area could co-host it with me if they don't have lots of time to dedicate to it.

Anyone with this type of knowledge want to give it a shot?
July 30th, 2013
@byrdlip Thank you! I was looking for a site with simple basic directions on this
July 30th, 2013
Sounds like fun. I would love to play! I'm sure if you just post it as a challenge similar to how they do the Mundane challenge series, that people will be glad to give it a go!

This is a photo I took last year. It really is a lot of silly fun!

July 30th, 2013
@swguevin Did you take the original in RAW format or in JPG? (RAW is relative to your camera)
July 30th, 2013
@byrdlip Thanks I will use this article link for the challenge I am gong to post
July 30th, 2013
@byrdlip I often shoot in both so I can work with either the jpg or raw image. This was the jpg image.
July 30th, 2013
@swguevin I was wondering, thanks. After finding and reading that article, I was thinking that unless you shot video, the storage time for RAW would eventually stop shooting (when the shutter was on continuous shooting)...??? The camera doesn't store the images as fast as they are being taken.

July 30th, 2013
@byrdlip I would love this discussion to be on the technique challenge http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/18749/technique-challenge-9-high-fast-shutter-speed-photography
This is a good question = could you post it there?
July 31st, 2013
@byrdlip It will stop shooting. But I've been succesful at getting the pop shot this way.
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