Concert Photography: ¿Critique? ¿Tips?

October 12th, 2013
Last night I did some concert photography. It wasn't my first time (here is my first time:, but this time I intended to be better prepared, so I did some quick googling. And I followed most of the tips I found...

I shooted with my 50mm f/1.8. It's a lens I've not used enough, I think, and I'm happy with its performance. I used Aperture Priority (1.8), with ISO on auto (limited to 1600), and that gave me fairly decent shutter speeds. I also dialed a -1 EV, because I usually like more when indoors and night shots are slightly underexposed: otherwise I find them too light/yellowish...

I used occasionally Spot metering (that's the tip I found online), but mostly I think my camera performed better using Evaluative metering. Maybe it was because the lights weren't that bad, or because I was relatively near the action. Luckily, being a small place, and not too crowded, I was able to move around freely.

I used RAW (really RAW+JPEG), but I'm mostly happy with the JPEGs SOOC. I don't really find distracting colour casts, weird white-balance situations or any light problems where I need to tweak the RAW (something I'm not really used to do, on the other hand). Anyway, I think I'll enjoy working with this RAW files...

I used fully automatic autofocus in one-shot mode, should I've used some continuous mode?

I didn't used multiple shooting, but I was really "shutter happy". As a matter of fact (and shooting RAW...) I think I filled the buffer several times...

I also was really lucky with my subject: he looked like the perfect bluesman and he did a really lively performance (the next act wasn't as far...). And the music was great, too!!!

Something I'm not totally happy is about some framing issues: too many times I've cut parts of the guitar. Of course, I have pics where the guitar is fully on the frame, but then performer's expression is not as interesting...Well: you have to choose...

Anyway, what do you think of these pictures? How would you improve them? Do you have any tips regarding this kind of shooting?

Thanks everyone

October 12th, 2013
I wouldn't know where to start but I love the fourth photograph. Sorry not to offer helpful comments just wanted to say how much I admire this photo.
October 12th, 2013
I have done a lot of attempting shots at Blues performances. I really like to try and zoom in on a hand or guitar or expression. My favorite of these is the last one with the lighting on the guitar. Microphones really get in the way so I try to get them when they step aside but it works in the last one. Nice work.
October 12th, 2013
I've never tried concert photography so I can't offer any advice, but I think you've done a great job. I find your descriptions of the settings you've used very helpful and the exposure looks perfect.
October 12th, 2013
@mariadarby Thank you very much Maria

@dh The settings are simply a collection of some of the various tips I found online: the merit is theirs... Thank you

@jannkc I too like that kind of zoom. As a matter of fact, I got some on my first try (back in June), but they were fairly noisy. I tried to "rescue" them, and got them in black and white, but I'm still not too happy:

October 13th, 2013
I don't feel qualified to critique anything, but I'll provide some feedback on what I personally see when viewing:

- #1 Photo: The microphone is not intruding giving me a mostly unobstructed view of the artist and guitar. The composition includes the drums with some lighting and fog effects setting.

- #2 Photo: I like it, particularly the light bloom and rays. The slight bit of motion blur on the hands/fingers lets me know he's bending that guitar. While I do like the fact it portrays the artist really belting out a singing note, for some reason the fact I can see into his mouth distracts me a little. Again, art is subjective so this is just my personal experience when viewing, my brain tells me this is a good capture though.

- #3 Photo: I also like this one but find myself wishing the guitar head was not obstructing his face.

- #4 Photo: My favorite. This is an absolute winner for me. Yes the microphone stands right out, but for me it really works in this picture.

Really nice shots overall, I can only hope the first time I take some photos at an event that they are this good. Thanks for sharing!
October 13th, 2013
@rellimdj Thank you for your critique/feedback: sure you're qualified!!!

#2. It's true about the open mouth... the musician was really "theatrical" and some of this expressions can be a little "extreme"...

#3. I have a couple shots when you can see his face (or, at least, his hat...). I'm planning to (maybe) using them for a photocontest centered in the festival, so I've kept them in order to not "jinx" it (besides some other considerations the rules may impose...). Though I'm also thinking about using a version of #4 (maybe with a tighter crop...), so...

Once again, thank you for your input: it's really appreciated.
February 11th, 2014
The first and the 4th were my favorites! I agree with the guitar cutting of his face in the 3rd one. The second one, I think, would have been a little better with a slightly different angle. Great job!
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