
November 3rd, 2013
Recently purchased a Nikon D3100 and I would like to shoot in raw. Any free software you guys can suggest to me?

So far I only have Picasa
November 3rd, 2013
For the first year of my project I just used View NX2, which came with my D3100, for RAW and Gimp for anything else.
November 3rd, 2013
+1 for GIMP, but the software that comes with your camera should be able to handle it.
November 3rd, 2013
Yep, View NX2 is fine to get started. If you do graduate to commercial software, don't get Capture NX2 from Nikon. It doesn't do halfway near as much as the price would lead you to expect. Nikon do great cameras and lenses, but their software basically sucks.
November 3rd, 2013
On Windows, free and open source?
· RawTherapee: http://rawtherapee.com/
· UFRaw: http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/
· Rawstudio: http://rawstudio.org/
November 3rd, 2013
@iwatts Gimp does not handle RAW files itself. Otherwise I recommend Gimp highly for additional editing (besides it does not have 16bit support too).
November 3rd, 2013
@wayoflife My apologies - it does with a plug in - http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/
November 3rd, 2013
@wayoflife Just noticed you mentioned that - also available as a plug in for Gimp
November 3rd, 2013
@wayoflife Does it only work for Windows? I have a mac.
November 3rd, 2013
@iqscotland Thank you!!
November 3rd, 2013
@kaleidoscopeyes I thought you would have a Windows. I just assume it, if not noted otherwise. These programs are build for Mac OSX too. For RawTherapee, select what system you have. 64-bit or 32-bit, which Mac OSX version. The download page is: http://rawtherapee.com/downloads
November 3rd, 2013
I know its not free but iPhoto is only 15 usd, easy to work with and makes raw just as easy as jpeg.
November 3rd, 2013
@primitiveprobe I have iPhoto, actually. I wasn't sure if I could or not. Thanks!
November 3rd, 2013
@wayoflife Thanks!
November 3rd, 2013
@kaleidoscopeyes Excellent, then you can import it like any other photo. Only difference is you get a few more choices on import if you take raw+jpeg.
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