struggling to get the look I want! help please

January 16th, 2014
hey guys,

I have a question, again, if you have a final look in mind for a photo edit but struggle to achieve it what do you do'?
I dont want to give it up, because i know the end result will be good, however i am at a loss as to how to create it..

ok so maybe i better explain what i am trying to do.
I was challenged to take a selfie (which i thought is easy enough, however i also want to tie it into the double take theme)
This has been a week of personal challenges as I had my hair cut and coloured so i wanted to create a double image of myself... thing is, I thought about this after doing my hair so I cannot stand next to myself and merge images... (which would be fine as I can do that)
so does anyone please have any suggestions as to how i can create this?

thank you in advance
January 16th, 2014
@cazink maybe you have a suggestion as you set the original challenge.

January 16th, 2014
I'm sorry I can't help you Claire because I struggle with getting the result I want with some pictures, too, which are not selfies. It can get so frustrating. I may like what I did at first, let sit for a short time, come back to it and not like it at all. I wonder what other people do, too?
January 16th, 2014
@mittens im glad i am not the only one, :)
January 16th, 2014
You could take two photos and blend them in Photoshop using layers and masks. To make it the easiest for yourself you would want to be sure not to move the camera between exposures so that it is easier to line things up between the layers.

Or you could try a long exposure approach where you set the camera for a 15 to 30 second long exposure, enter a pose and "paint" yourself with light either via off camera flash or flashlight or some other light source for half of the exposure duration then move to another spot and pose, painting yourself again for the other half of the exposure duration. (Of course this approach assumes a dark or dimly lit environment, someone to assist with painting you with the light source is helpful)
January 16th, 2014
January 16th, 2014
@rellimdj your suggestions are valid, however im using iphone and dont have photoshop so none of those are possible.
thank you anyway.
@homeschoolmom i may end up settling for that but it will be far from the effect i desire.
January 16th, 2014
Do you have a double exposure on your phone? Id research the aps Im pretty sure there ones out there. good luck=D
January 16th, 2014
Hi Claire,

my go to option would be photoshop but without it and using a phone.... what about a shot using a mirror to reflect yourself? If not a collage would be cool :)
January 16th, 2014
I think there's an app called Blender that allows you to blend two pictures together. Edit time had a look on the App Store I used iBlendy it's fairly simple to use and I got decent results after about 10 minutes of playing with it..
January 16th, 2014
@aprilmilani will have to look that one up, thank you

@cazink i was going to go with the mirror option, but wanted to frame it so i had the old and new me, kinda like old me was looking at new me in the mirror..

@chippy1402 i will give that a go, thank you.
January 16th, 2014
I think you would require an editing app for that. I just did a google search and...

Seems like something here might work for what you are looking for. I cant help much cause I use Photoshop and Topaz Remask 3 to merge my images like that.
January 17th, 2014
I wouldn't have a clue Claire but if you check out @bill_fe he has just done exactly ( I think) what your after, in camera too, brilliant. I'm sure he would be happy to help you out :-)
January 17th, 2014
Look around, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?

Sorry.. Couldn't resist. Thinking of ways you could do it without some sort of editing program, and they are all pretty convoluted.
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