My Canon 650 is so

March 29th, 2014
I am getting increasingly frustrated with my Canon 650d.
When I put it on multi shot and hold my finger on the shutter the first 2 photos click fast but then it slows to one shot every half second.
Even worse than that, when taking long exposure shots, the camera takes the same amount of time as it took to take the photo to process it and be ready to take the next photo. So if I've taken a 200 second exposure it takes 200 seconds or more to process to the card which is an Extreme Pro Sandisk 95MB/s which I understand is a fast card. I can't view my photo or take another photo during that time.
It doesn't seem to make any difference if I am shooting raw or JPEG.
The battery I use is a Canon battery and I make sure it is fully charged.

Can anyone tell me if this is normal for this camera or not or suggest what I might be doing wrong?

Would appreciate any help or suggestions.
Thanks Chantal
March 29th, 2014
i don't know about the first problem, but for the second issue, i'm guessing you have one of the high noise reduction settings on... this will result in the camera taking a "dark" shot for the same length of time as the long exposure shot to help in dealing with the noise that comes from long exposure... i can't really explain it properly, but it's a setting and you can remove the setting so this doesn't happen... and for what it's worth, i haven't found that the setting really does much to reduce noise unless the iso is set really really high...
March 29th, 2014
@northy Thank you so much. Have just turned that off and tested it. That did the trick. You're a star!
March 29th, 2014
I have a 650D and never notice the first problem, but I don't use multi shot very much... Anyway, I just checked and I did like 15 shots without noticing any slowness, and I'm using a slower card than yours (30MB/s).

What mode are you using? I did my test using P.

I'd check different modes in order to see if it changes anything. Also, I would test different auto-focus (and manual focus) modes, as a test.

Good luck
March 29th, 2014
If you are shooting RAW+JPEG, the camera's buffer will fill up very quickly, creating the lag you are experiencing. Experiment by setting your quality to a lower quality JPEG and giving it a try.
March 29th, 2014
@northy Cheers. My Sony does the same thing; didn't realise it was the noise reduction setting
March 29th, 2014
My camera does the same thing. The number one cause for my camera's slow downs is a low battery (which is not your case). The number two cause is a memory card that is almost full. When I put in a new memory card or delete the images on the memory card, my camera speeds up. Checking on the camera settings does sound like a good idea too.
March 30th, 2014
Check and disable if enabled the chromatic aberration correction option in your camera menu -- that's one of the most likely causes for your first issue. See the footnote on page 128 of your manual for more info (or at least, page 128 of the online manual!)

I'd very strongly advise leaving long exposure noise reduction on, despite it doubling the time to take long exposure shots. The alternative is not pretty (noise-wise), and is one of the few things that is harder to correct in post-processing than in the camera.
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