help wanted please re LR and computer

June 23rd, 2014
all my own fault I know , saw I was down to GB on hard drive . panicked . tried to move all photo files to external drive .a) Didn't do it from LR5 .. so now have thousands of files with broken links. The IRCATs/previews are there

b) made a hash of drag and drop so ended with some folders s within other folders

c ) panicked again , unplugged external drive .. when I reconnected all (I think) files were again imported .. but duplicates ignored , so still loads of unconnected . but drive filled up more ..

My thoughts are ....
I'm an idiot

of those 69000 photos , most are rubbish ... I know I am an idiot .. shall I go into lr5 and look at previews and delete thousands .. slow but might work

uninstall LR5 the re-install and this time import all to a new catalogue

ANY and all ideas welcome .

.. shooting myself is not one of them , though feels appropriate.

June 23rd, 2014
@kjarn @etchasketch1

thanks for suggesting I post this up in detal.

I'm a born optimist so perhaps I /we can find a way forward
June 23rd, 2014
Oh June, poor you I have been there, but not with LR. Can you try Resetting your pc to before you decided to move your photos? But that will only work if you had selected a back-up point. Do you back your photos up on externals regularly? I have two that I back up on each week. Again, learned the hard way! Sorry, I know this probably isn't much help, and it sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you.
June 23rd, 2014
@sioux i'll try the Restore thingy,

I back up to Cloud , I did ring them and they found a 2013 folder .. which didnt contain much.
perhaps I ll see if they too can pick a pont in time to take me back to .. I know it was 15 june so not long ago.

I do lLR5 back ups to own hard drive ,
the sympathy alone is worth something to me.thanks
June 23rd, 2014
Sorry I have no idea about what you are talking about, can't help you at all.
When I read your original thread I thought something had happened on the site that was inappropriate or something. Woops, wrong end of the stick :)
June 23rd, 2014
@kjarn You had a good idea and gave me sympathy. what else could I want?
June 23rd, 2014
Oh dear. I've been considering doing this very thing. Now I am forewarned. I did find this tutorial. You might see if that helps...

I'm saving this project for winter ... preferably during a blizzard, but while I still have electricity. Good luck!
June 23rd, 2014
Why don't you just restore to a previous catalogue?
June 23rd, 2014
@aecasey that looks like it might be helpful. Will need to focus and set aside a day
June 23rd, 2014
@jase_again Mmmm ... To be searingky honest.. I don't know how to.

I'll google it and see to get instructions. Every scrap of advice is helpful. Thanks
June 23rd, 2014
Restore a backup catalog

Choose File > Open Catalog.
Navigate to the location of your backed up catalog file.
Select the backed up .lrcat file and click Open.

To see where your backed up catalogues are......

Choose Edit -> Preferences and on the General Tab click Go To Catalogue Settings

June 24th, 2014
@june June, I think you should watch the video in the thread if you get a chance. LR will actually go search it out for you and it looks like it can restore it for you after a quick search (and since you know where you moved it from your computer and not within LR, you can guide the search if needed). I'm still learning LR, but it does not look as cumbersome as it appears.

On a side note, I'm going back and dumping tons of files--so many of my "learning shots" for slow exposure or trying to capture that perfect bird posture or the "this is just awful shot because I set the manual settings to the WRONG settings!"---My goal is to clear house a LOT.

Oh, and last advice, play with the "idea" of what you want to do by creating files, moving them wrong, and then fixing them in a trial run of sorts so you feel confident with your next moves. It will help you figure out the method before going deeper into a hole, and because it was with some files you either created or didn't care about, you'll be able to see what you did before you take the plunge to restore what you did in the first place (and then move to the external drive to archive!). But watch the video, it seems to address your issue. And good luck! Report back! :)
June 24th, 2014
@darylo thanks.
Good sound advice.
I'm currently rushed off my feet but reckon next week I'll gird my loins
S, take some deep breaths and start addressing the issue.
June 24th, 2014
Visit Steele Training site. Phil Steele does online courses and one is for Lightroom but he also has lots of free tutorials which may help you. I think he may even reply to a request for help on this problem. He is an excellent trainer and delivers in an easy to understand way. @june
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