Pricing?? Help!!

August 4th, 2014
I am just beginning to get into the photography business (I have been honing my craft for two years now!), and I feel I am pricing myself way too low! For example, the first shoot I did for a family, I had to travel about 40 miles or more, go to about 5 different locations within that area, work with two teens and a five-year-old, and then edit and process and do a disk . . I only charged them $50 (she gave me $60). Now, I told them I didn't want anymore because it was my first real professional shoot. I just did a little wedding (very informal) gain for $50, but I don't think I'm being realistic.

Can any of you who have been involved with just starting out give me some tips? I have people calling me and emailing me about photography sessions now that my photos have been posted and I don't want to sell myself short, so to speak.

Thank you - please keep in mind that I live in the Southeast . . . I think area plays a huge part in determining prices.
August 4th, 2014
Gut feeling is a powerful thing and if you feel like you are pricing too low, then you are 100% correct.

Advice on what price you should start at is something I can't help you with, but you do need to consider whether this "photography business" is going to be your genuine source of income or whether your "craft" is simply a supplementary thing you do on the weekends or the evening when you have some spare time....
August 4th, 2014
I know this is going to sound a bit random, but I used to run my own face painting business, and when I first started out I was exactly the same... what do you charge. I think there is something to be said for reflecting your experience (or lack of) in your pricing, however you also have to consider what other people are charging (hard when people cant or wont tell you... exactly the same situation in the face painting community). In the end I decided that you have to factor in all the costs to you involved, including fuel, insurance on your kit, your kit itself, any training you may have had, wear and tear on the car, and then the big tricky one, your time. If it helps, I used to charge £35 per hour to paint faces.... which is what... $50 or there abouts? A fantastic photographer friend of mine quotes a price range of between £30 - £50 , but I am guessing that is just for a studio session with no movement... I can't see a wedding costing that. Does that help any?
August 4th, 2014
In the past, I paid $75 for a shoot for our family where we got all of the photos on disk. I think that that was a deal. That was with people just getting started in the business that were friends. I'd say you are undercharging. Maybe do some online research and call around local photographers, too. All that driving, all that time...yeah, too little. But at least you got paid and you are gaining some valuable experience. Good luck figuring it out.
August 4th, 2014
@bobfoto @tori_shaw @amandal Thanks so much! Yes, it's tough. I'm not a seasoned veteran yet I feel I do quality work (I have many unsolicited positive comments) and now people are really starting to call me. I did a family shoot last week, a wedding two days ago, and I am doing a newborn in December, and I have been asked to do at least 4 more sessions (which is scary because I'm a teacher and school starts back on August 12). So, having said that, I feel my time is worth a lot and I have to factor that in (driving, setting up, picking up any props - which cost too!, editing, burning disks, and taking disk or mailing disk)! Lots of factors involved. Thank you for your help. This makes me feel a little better!
August 4th, 2014
I was totally happy to pay $200 to a newbie to photograph my wedding, just her and her DSLR, no assistants or other equipment. It was a GREAT price compared to what others were charging. (This was 2009)

I also got maternity photos taken last year and was happy to pay the photographer $100 for her time, a dozen edited images, and a disk with all the images. Again, after a bit of research, I found that this was quite a low price.

I'm in Oregon.
August 4th, 2014
@bsheppard Yes, that is low! I am thinking of starting around $100 to $150 for sessions and then weddings around $500 and up depending on what they want. I am one of those type people who will give them way more than the allotted number of edited images because I look doing that. Thanks!
August 5th, 2014
Good for you to take the step and do it! Congratulations!!
Have not done photography freelance yet, but I do freelance design. When first pricing I checked others in the same metro area, what they charge and their quality and then went from there.
$50 is way too low! You will influence the going price where you are, and other people have to live off this. I think you noticed yourself that $50 didn't even cover your expenses.
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