Lightroom crash -Help plz!

January 2nd, 2015
Lightroom CC has been crashing my pc for a couple of weeks. Usually after turning pc off at the socket and back on again its been ok.
Today its displaying a message that says 'Lightroom encountered an error when reading from its preview cache. Lightroom will attempt to fix this problem the next time it launches.'
So I click the ok button. It turns off. I turn it back on again it looks like its opened but it gives me the same error message.
I've signed out and back in again to ADOBE and uninstalled and reinstalled Lightroom. My husband did a Google search and found something about a deleting a locked file. With Lightroom displaying the error message we found what looked to be a locked file and deleted it, signed out and in to ADOBE again.
Still getting the same error message. Has anyone got any ideas what to try next?
January 2nd, 2015
Yikes! No clue... But have you tried calling Adobe? That's what I would do... Hope you get it sorted out quickly!
January 2nd, 2015
I don't like Lightroom very much but I did a quick search on Google and came across this.
January 2nd, 2015
@creampuff Thank you Eve! It took ages for my pc to delete the previews folder but it seems to have worked. Its got rid the error message anyway so lets hope that its all ok. Very grateful to you for your help.
January 2nd, 2015
@northy I went to ask the ADOBE support bods but it looks like they don't work weekends which is madness, I would have thought more people would need support during weekends. I'm hoping its fixed now.
January 2nd, 2015
I had a string of errors with Lightroom today and the attempt to fix message too. After a few attempts it reset and seems to be working ok now. It is a little unnerving though.
January 2nd, 2015
Yes, as the answer in the link Eve @creampuff gave you, just delete the corrupted cache and Lightroom will rebuild it the next time it starts. It will take some time, so be patient. This behavior is one of the annoying "features" of Lightroom, it is *very* dependent on its catalog and builds and reads from this preview cache to save time making itself ready to work for you. That cache appears easily prone to corruption, particularly in "low memory" situations. If you don't have at least 8GB of RAM, I believe it would be well worth your while to see if your PC can add that.

Also, and sad to say but true, if you are not running on Windows 7 or 8, or Mac OSx 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or better, and with a processor at least an Intel i3 or equivalent (i5 better, i7 quad core best), you really will always be battling performance. These Adobe programs are huge memory and performance hogs, even if you stay away from big Photoshop. For instance, significant Adjustment Brush work on a large image slows my i3 8GB laptop to a crawl.
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