Getting Bored, HELP!!!!

May 8th, 2015
Does anyone else that follows a theme for there project ever get bored with it? I mean there are days where I am all gung ho and have at it but lately I feel like everything is so darn similar that it drives me crazy!!!!

If you feel the same at times what do you do to get out of your rut?
May 8th, 2015
Your project, your rules... Maybe cut yourself some slack and do something different? Or play with light and /or processing technique? Maybe experiment w BIG water drop / splash shots? (Like puddle jumps or diving into a swimming pool)...
May 8th, 2015
@northy spot on! It's funny we've been having thunder storms and I've been wondering what I could do with them lol thank you so much you just inspired me?
May 8th, 2015
I've been a member of 365 since 2011 and I've yet to complete a true year of photos because I get stuck in rut like you. I basically now just post when the mood hits me. Along with @northy 's suggestions you might try the "Get Pushed" challenge if you aren't a part of it already. Coincidentally, Northy is in charge of that challenge. I've found it very useful in terms of getting the creative juices flowing the times I was a member of the challenge. I've actually been thinking of signing up again for it.
May 8th, 2015
Just do your own thing. Who says you have to do it every day religiously. I go through fazes. I'm determined to finish my project even if the 365 actually takes me more that a year. Just go with the flow and do it when you feel inspired to do so.
May 8th, 2015
I'm actually getting discouraged, I have so little time during the week for photography because I'm working long hours, and I feel like I'm really not doing anything different because I don't have the time.
May 8th, 2015
@rangerxenos your pictures are great! Don't get discouraged.. .if you need to take a little break do it. I have days where I'm not inspired at all and then I'll have a week where I can't stop taking pics.
May 8th, 2015
This year I've been trying this neat little idea - I typed 365 daily theme ideas out, printed them, then cut them into strips, folded them up, and put them in a jar. Each day I randomly draw a challenge - if I want to, otherwise it's free choice. So far I've had a lot of fun with it!
May 8th, 2015
@hayleymolloycook What a great idea - a lucky dip. Might try that on the days when I feel uninspired.

@catdudz Cat, there are some great ideas already. I'm in my 2nd year and also get a little lost at time. Here's some more ideas.

Debra @debrac posts a list of words for the month (at the beginning of each month) which I sometimes lose use when at a loss for something to do. May's ones are here

I find challenges also get the juices going, e.g. technique, album cover and so on as they all get us to do something that we don't normally do.

Good luck and have fun.
May 8th, 2015
Yep, I know exactly where you are as I was there and in the end gave up. Do not give up like I did. This time I will be be far more relaxed about the whole thing. Many people on 365 advice " its your project, so your rules ". Just post a picture , any picture , look at my first 2 posts i.e some shelving and some polling cards , hardly masterpieces which will set the photography world on far but, they show what I was doing on the day = the shelves or highlight an important event = the polling card. As for day 3 , haven't got a clue but something will come out of the bag before the day is up.
May 8th, 2015
- Force yourself to go on. Bad idea.
- Change your rules and keep yourself happy taking pictures. Good idea.
- Lower your frequency (for a while). Could be a good idea.
- Just quit (for a while). Only a good idea when you come back one day, like I did after 3 months of absence.
May 8th, 2015
@hayleymolloycook That sounds like lots of fun!!
May 8th, 2015
I belong to a 365 challenge group on FB that uses a daily theme, so I use that theme for here too. I helps me when I am uninspired and pushes me to think different and take photos of things, I would be less inclined to at times. :)
May 8th, 2015
I highly recommend the doing some of the challenges, like Get Pushed. They are really fun and add some variety to your project to keep it fun.
They are also a great way to learn new techniques.
May 8th, 2015
Can you post the link to that facebook group?
May 8th, 2015
Thanks so much!
May 9th, 2015
@hayleymolloycook That's a great idea!
May 9th, 2015
@hippiechick13 Thanks! I am just so busy with work right now, I've stopped a lot of my other hobbies because I just don't have the time. My photography is the only thing I keep going with, because I have to have something for me. I just feel like I'm not committing enough time to learn new and different things, and it bothers me.
May 9th, 2015
It's not just the boredom that gets to's also that lack of time when work hours are long and hard. I'm not very good at it, but in the past I've used the 365 project as an excuse to take a break in the middle of the day--or at least to notice something in the parking lot as I walk by. Yes, the parking lot gets boring, but I've learned to notice lots of little things about it over the years.
May 9th, 2015
simple,= change your theme
May 9th, 2015
I haven't been on here very long so I don't know how much my opinion may count but here goes. I am a very busy person with family, church activities, career and physical fitness. Photography is my way to keep my sanity. When I get behind that lens, the world melts away. When I first started, I put pressure on myself to shoot everyday and to post everyday. That goal is unrealistic for me. It puts more pressure on me and took the fun out of my photography. My advise...have fun, play by your own rules and don't feel guilty. It's your project!
May 9th, 2015
Lately, I just post when I can. :) Makes me happy because I love my 365 friends, and sometimes my life just doesn't allow me to do it all the time. I just take things as I see them, and I stopped doing themes for "theme" has become the garden here of late!! ;) Just enjoy it!
May 12th, 2015
Try the camera settings challenge. I have learned so much!! And when you are trying a new challenge you think of new things to shoot!
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