Need help choosing a Canon flash

December 14th, 2010
I'm about to start school for Photo. and I need an external flash with ability to shoe mount. I have a Canon Rebel 550D... Throughout this class I'll be doing all sorts of photography so I need something that will "work" for general use (I know that's probably very vague and there may not be a single flash that fits this description).

Could I get some suggestions as to what would work well? but would like to try to not get crazy with prices - though I do understand it will probably be a few hundred.

I will ask school as well, but I like getting as much advice as possible.

thank you!
December 14th, 2010
i have the 430ex, does a good job, comes with a handy little stand too
December 14th, 2010
As Ross says...I have the exact same's served me very well and is about mid-price range I think for flashes Rich
December 14th, 2010
430 EX II is what I have. It's awesome :D
December 14th, 2010
vote for 430ex II .....
December 14th, 2010
Alright, it looks like I can get the 430EX II at a student price of US $265.00
Does that sound good or should I look elsewhere?
December 14th, 2010
I have the Canon Speedlite 430 EX II and I just love it! That's a good price. I got mine after someone brought it back to the store. I paid $279 for it because the box had been opened.
December 15th, 2010
430 ex ii will change your photography, well it will for portraits, still lifes and water shots!
December 15th, 2010
I concur on the 430 EX. The only limitation is, if you wish to add extra flashes later to use OCF (off camera flash), the 430 will not work as a controlling unit. It can be controlled, however, by the ST-E2 or a 580 EX / 580 EX II. So, if you do want to do OCF later, you can't just buy another 430. Not really much of a limitation, and with the 550D it will keep up under most circumstances, so the 580 is probably overkill.
December 15th, 2010
Thanks all, looks like it's gonna be a tough call between the 480 and 580

@jinximages Thanks for pointing that out, that is probably something I should really consider. I don't know much about OCF uses but for some reason food, jewelry, etc types of shots come to mind... or does OCF have a much broader range of applications than I am thinking?
December 15th, 2010
@richwho OCF is also great for portraiture, because it allows you to do basic studio lighting either without the studio gear, or on location right out of your camera bag.

Zack Arias does some great stuff using one light, off camera:

If you want to use your 430 off camera, you can just get the transmitter or a 580 later - either one can be used to control it. And it will work just fine if you go all out and get PocketWizards. I would say the only reason to get the 580 instead, now, is if you want the extra power and faster cycle times or, if you're anything like me, the idea of using mixed flash models later on bothers you somewhat. ;) That's just my little "keep everything the same type" OCD. Haha! Really though, it shouldn't matter if you get a 430 now and a 580 later, if you decide you need it, or just run either one from an ST-E2 or PocketWizard.
December 15th, 2010
@richwho This is one I did recently with OCF, on a location shoot, using two 580 EX II's:

December 15th, 2010
@jinximages awesome, thank you for the info! Looking at Zack's stuff, real nice!
December 15th, 2010
yep what jinx said, though another option could be to upgrade later to a 7d with controls the 430ex as OCF
December 15th, 2010
the 580 also has a white card you can bounce the light off, the 430 only has the flip out diffuser.....great for events etc.
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