Something for fun, RAW edit

May 31st, 2015
I know people have done this before on the web, with interesting results, and I have this photo I shot today but I'm curious to see what other members of the 365 community will do with it.

So download it, edit it, post it here.

Is this ok to do?
May 31st, 2015
Looks like it is corrupted, Charles. @zosimasy
May 31st, 2015
I got it to download
May 31st, 2015
The file is fine for me. Here's what I would do with it. Drop the highlights way back but pull the white point way up until it just clips and pull the "clarity" (mid tone contrast) high all per part of the Scott Kelby recipe for a trendy super-high contrast look. Drop the green saturation, pull up the orange center, and sharpen, sharpen, sharpen. Crop out all the peripheral green. All to give it that "close in" natural macro look, the water drops especially.

For me if I were shooting, it would have been a good exercise in "focus stacking" to get the whole bloom sharp, and then process the 10 (or more) images as a stack in Photoshop. Yes, I know, outside the raw processor, but if I'm going to clap I would use both hands. :)

Am I too much of a realist? Well, that's what I like... You might be able to tell, I am a huge admirer of Georgia O'Keefe.

May 31st, 2015
@frankhymus I'm not sure how I can do photo stacking without photoshop, I'm running Linux for an operating system and havn't figured out the software available for stacking yet.
Amazing job on the photo, and I thought there wasn't much that could be done with it.... goes to show how much I have to learn about editing.
May 31st, 2015
@zosimasy Check out GIMP. Advertised by a number of people here as the Linux Photoshop, and free...
May 31st, 2015
@frankhymus I've been using GIMP, love it, and the UFRAW pluggin... but like I said, a lot to learn about editing. and I havn't figured out a way to stack using GIMP... at least not on a level I have patience for....
May 31st, 2015
@frankhymus Thanks for that quicky tutorial -- I learned something new. I tend to pull up the highlights and increase the contrast and not touch the white point. I played with this first without reading your explanation and then after reading it, I played with it again and, of course, it came out much better using your instructions.
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