Update Photoshop CC 2015 - June 15 release

June 18th, 2015
Lightroom as well. Excuse the gigantic link.

Some nifty things. One that I like in Camera Raw 9.1/LR is the "remove or add atmospheric haze." DxO did this but I was unwilling to commit to it just for that. I think Adobe does it fine. The "add haze" tweak is done rather nicely too, at least in my limited use so far. Another big deal is the significant improvement in the performance of the Healing Brush complex if you have GPU support.

This is the sort of thing that makes the CC subscription such a worthwhile option for US$9.99 a month, in my opinion. Immediate (and no extra charge) access to the latest good stuff.
June 18th, 2015
I'd like to see the haze filter on the grad filter & brush - to brush in some fog/haze
June 18th, 2015
@granpop Interesting idea. Let Adobe know...
June 18th, 2015
I updated first thing this morning and the haze filter was missing until a further, smaller update popped up after the main update. The other thing for people to be aware of is that the "Save for web" function has gone from the main File menu. It is now under File-->Export-->Save For Web (Legacy) - just so you know...
June 18th, 2015
@granpop If you use photoshop that would be very easy to do.
June 18th, 2015
@digitalrogue @granpop

Right. Select just the areas you need to apply the effect to, "quick mask" if you want to "paint" them like the ACR Adjustment Brush, create a new layer from that selection, convert to a smart object, apply the Camera Raw filter and the "haze" and add a "gradient" layer mask if you want a nice blend at the edge transition.

But of course, Lightroom only users?
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