365 will be over soon - anyone up for a second year?

December 19th, 2010
Hello everyone!

In about two weeks my project will end. The closer this date has moved, the sadder I have grown. Everyone in real life tells me to just do another year, and throughout the project I kept saying that I can't see myself giving up this project in 2011, but continuing with it. Perhaps with a little less strictness than this year, where I really did take and post a photo a day and it was hard work.

I was wondering: are any of you considering continuing your 365 project for a second year? Also, part of what made this project so special and enjoyable was the community and it would be very sad to loose touch!


December 19th, 2010
Stay with us. Your photos are Devine and as I am fairly new, I would love to keep seeing them :-)
December 19th, 2010
I've enjoyed this project too, although I started mid-January last year. I've found it hard recently and have not been too strict with myself. I'm thinking of going ACE because I'd love to keep on. Best bits - being able to be in touch with a dear friend regularly; making lots of new "friends" and looking at the world in a more creative way. I hope to see you next year Lux.
December 19th, 2010
Good Lord no! I've found the past couple of months a struggle, last week in particular. Next year, I will upload when I want to and not because I have to.
December 19th, 2010
@Ed I couldn't tell from your last week of pictures or so - they are fantastic! But I totally understand the struggle, I had this really bad in November, I kept going "eh... I've gotten so far, might as well give up" and then always managed to find a picture or something or other. That is why if I continue, I will definitely be a lot less strict than this year (and by means of an ace account post two pictures a day even if they are really great).
December 19th, 2010
I would like to continue and like you maybe not as strictly as my posts in my default album are taken on the day. I have also really enjoyed getting to know the community and really find inspiration from them. Then again I am only up to photo 100 and may change my mind at the end of the year lol!!
December 19th, 2010
I haven't decided yet...we will see xD I know that if I post one on Jan 1st, I will make myself do an entire nother year, properly :p
December 19th, 2010
I'm really not sure if I'll continue or not. I don't think I could deal with another year of having to take a photo every day, but on the flipside I like having to try to be creative on a regular basis. I'll probably keep doing it in some form, but exactly what I'm not sure...
December 19th, 2010
I didn't start till May. I am considering becoming an ace member and continuing my project for years to come. I used to feel quite awful if I missed a day but now I am okay with uploading and shooting as often as I can. Life gets in the way sometimes. I really enjoy the project though!
December 19th, 2010
Do you have to become an ace member to continue for another year?
December 19th, 2010
I think I'll carry on as it's kind of become part of everyday life now. Personally i havent found it too much of a burden taking the photos but recently ive had less time to view and comment on the site. Maybe if people wanted to stay in touch after 365 they could leave a flickr address or something similar somewhere on the site?
December 19th, 2010
I do plan on continuing because of the friends I would hate to lose contact with and also for the discipline this project imposes.
December 19th, 2010
Well, I won't finish my project until February, but I think I'd like to do a second year because I've learnt so much with this first one. I'm thinking about trying to take 7 photos in a week though, because I'm struggling with the time at the moment and I know it's only going to get worse when I go into final year.
December 19th, 2010
I don't think you need to be an ACE to keep going. That is just if you want to use a different album for next year. I have found LOTS of albums with more than 365 photos in them.
December 19th, 2010
@wormentude that's one of the things I've been contemplating too, seven photos per week rather than one per day. Week nights to plan a shoot and weekends to execute!
December 19th, 2010
I plan on a second year on this project. I have formed many friendships and would like to continue them here and elsewhere. I will be getting a new camera for Christmas, Canon Rebel XS, so another year will help me learn my new camera. I will be upgrading from a p&s so this camera is a big jump for me.
December 19th, 2010
Right now, I say I am going to continue because I have enjoyed it so much and it has really made me look for something special about each day (though there have been some hard times for me too). We'll see after a few months into the next year how I actually do.
December 19th, 2010
I will continue--maybe not every day but we will see! :)
December 19th, 2010
I have thoroughly enjoyed my project and while I do try to shoot every day I will cheat occasionally. I think it is necessary sometimes so I don't apologize for it. It is all part of the process. That being said, I fully intend to continue into another year. I love the project. I love the friends that I have made here. I love the progress I have seen in my own work and in other's.
December 19th, 2010
I still have to make it to April to finish out my year. It has been hard and there have certainly been times I wanted to give up, but I managed to photograph something everyday to post. I think it's good for me. Good to try and muster some creativity, good to have something for myself (as the rest of my life seems to belong to my kids & cleaning my house), and good to have a supportive community to help you along. Chances are I will though I struggle with the commitment and seeming pressure at times.
December 19th, 2010
i still have to go to february, but i can't imagine stopping! some days its hard to come upm with something i want to post, but there are more days where i can't decide which one to use.
December 19th, 2010
Lux - you are a lovely presence. I've enjoyed your pics and commentary enormously. I find it hard to maintain the commitment after just three months, so I can't say for myself, but I would feel it as a loss if you dropped out.
December 19th, 2010
My journey doesn't end until March, but I am 90% sure it will end when I hit 365. Now if there was a 52project.org, I'd be all over it :).. I'll lurk and comment, but think it will be time to try something new and focus on other hobbies. Who knows though, I've been known to change my mind.
December 19th, 2010
@luxvivens ~ I've decided that 365 doesn't strictly mean 'for 365 days', it represents taking regular (ideally, every day; realistically, most days) photos for a long, long, long time to come. :)
December 20th, 2010
Well, I started in September so I have many more months to come! I hope everyone who started in January chooses to stay, because I will miss them so much if they leave!!
December 20th, 2010
I am definitely re-upping for another year as I have made so many friends and love staying in touch via our photos...I also will pay the fee to become as ace since then I can keep last year's album ...at least that is the way I understand it. I certainly do not want last year's efforts to go away! (Ha! Bad enough I just deleted 6 months of my iPhoto library a week ago...and for those following me who know about this...still not giving up on salvaging in them but now we are on Christmas break so it will be another 2 weeks before the tech guys at work can help me try to recover them...)

Anyway...I am looking forward to seeing more of everyone's work and also meeting and getting to know many more new people!
December 20th, 2010
not a chance. I'm so over the whole thing. Only a few pics to go to finish then i'm done taking a photo every day for a year. Its become a complete chore and Sometimes i resent having to take a shot now. Not good

Will probably still use this site a bit to post the odd photos and view others as i like the community - but won't be doing it properly (i.e. a photo a day).
December 20th, 2010
Lux, I also hope you stay, as you and your talent (and pet finch) will be missed if you leave! When I started my ace membership I started all over with a second album, so I'm planning to continue at least until that comes to an end! As with anything that has become an enjoyable habit, it's hard to give up. Have you checked out the scavenger hunt that provides a long list of photo subjects, etc. that may be another way to go...
December 31st, 2010
@Vaderkip Thank you so much! I just got an ace account as an early birthday present and I'll be staying on board in 2011! :)
@Cho Mei King Yes, I'll continue in 2011. Just not as strict, I guess. ;)
@Ed @Murray Andrews Hope to still see you around, even if it's not every day!
@Jo Arrow @Joe Ciras @Autumn Eden @Miranda Spitteler @Karen Hurd @Quinn I'll see you around then! :) Good luck with the second year!!!
@Naomi Have you decided yet?
@The Steve And have you made up your mind?
@Amanda Miller I hope you stick through it! It's hard some days, but in the end it always works out. :)

Hope I got all! Happy New Year and to a successful 2011, everyone! Cheers!
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