Any Chance of PM's

February 22nd, 2010
I noticed from the previous post and others before, that people seem to want to be able to contact other's to give more info or perhaps ask questions about their work. I know I would like to be able to send private messages to ask how a pic was taken or perhaps a technical question, or a more detailed explanation to a comment. Is there any way we could set this up? Would it be something people wanted?
February 22nd, 2010
I think PMs or D(irect)Ms would be a great addition. I'm not too keen on putting my email address on my profile or in comments for all to see but I am open to having 365 people contact me and this would be an effective way to do that without the obvious security issues.
February 22nd, 2010
i could not agree more. this is a fantastic suggestion, cindy!
February 22nd, 2010
February 22nd, 2010
I wholeheartedly concur! (my phrase of the week lol!) :0) xx
February 22nd, 2010
PMs are a good idea as long it doesn't turn into chat. I don't think that would be good for this site. As for putting your email address in your profile there are ways to create aliases which direct the mail from the alias box to your own email. If it gets corrupted with spam or with too many unwanted emails you simply cancel it and still have your original email address. I have a Mac and do it through mobileme.
February 22nd, 2010
If its Pm's it will only be between two people so it doesn't really matter if they chat as know one else will know. I don't think we can prescribe how people use the PM's though I imagine it will be for learning more, asking questions, elaborating on comments, and yes, maybe establishing friendships.
February 22nd, 2010
I think i'm in the minority but 9as i've sadi before) i think this is not something the site needs.

i understand people wanting to contact others but I just think this is feature is too much like social networking sites and there are enough of those around.

I prefer the site as is.
February 22nd, 2010
i'm with Murray on this one.
February 23rd, 2010
im with muz i think it would take away from the the simplicity of the site and you can always link an email to your profile or a face book link. the thing i love about this site its all about the photos you take that relate to your year. and the comment thing you can always put a email i then delete....i fear change !! ha ha
February 23rd, 2010
imo. I don't think PM would add to the site, this is a very open, transparent community and should stay that way. Throw your email/flickr/blog into your profile to encourage any extra, direct communication.

February 24th, 2010
I'd suggest that if you want to know how a photo was taken or something like that, then commenting on the photo and asking would be a better idea than PMs as it would mean anyone else looking would be able to see and benefit too. :-)
February 24th, 2010
I agree with Rachael. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment section. One of the things I like about this site is everyone is willing to share information.
February 24th, 2010
I was just thinking about this discussion. The nature of this website as I see it, is an open forum for you to share your photos and snapshots of your life in a fairly non intrusive way. I don't feel that having personal messaging is necessary for this website.

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this, but there is a 365 group on facebook. This also led me to think that there is a pretty good chance that most of us have a facebook account. This may be a better forum for those who want more personal communication with the different 365 members than on this website.
April 9th, 2010
Just wondering if anything new has been decided about this - as the community grows and as we follow each other it seems that there are many people who do want to have private messages about their lives - or about something the picture made them think about but something that they don't necessarily want to share with the whole group - it would be nice to be able to leave private messages as well.
April 9th, 2010
I'd have to vote yes on the PM's. If I've asked or been asked a question on a photo, I sometimes forget to go back and check. A PM is a good reminder. That being said, I wouldn't want to go any further with that. This site is a little gem and I like how small and uncomplicated it is :-)
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